Berry Vetjens
+31 (0)88 866 73 13
Oude Waalsdorperweg 63
2597 AK Den Haag

“Safety and security concern the physical and the digital, the perception and the reality”


For prosperity and wellbeing it is crucial that society is safe and secure, and feels it too. For TNO it is important to support those parties that give us this safety and security. Whether this is the Ministry of Defence, the police, fire services or business and industry, we use our knowledge and technology to create innovations for those people who are committed to our safety and security every day.


Through National Security & Crisis Management TNO focuses on threat analysis, risk assessment, capacity planning, risk and crisis control, counterterrorism and combating organised crime as well as the comprehensive approach taken in fragile states and areas of conflict. International and national safety and security are, after all, inextricably linked.


At TNO Cyber Security we see both the risks and the rewards of our cyber world. We make it possible to capitalise on the opportunities now and in the future. We debate the right issues and create in-depth, comprehensive research and innovative solutions. We make our society and economy secure, resilient and successful. In short: We make cyber work for you.


Activiteiten binnen Security Delta

HSD Partners and ICSSS Among Nominees Computable Awards 2024
26 juni 2024

HSD Partners and ICSSS Among Nominees Computable Awards 2024

BigPhish Pilot to Combat Cybercrime Launched in Collaboration between TNO, CFLW, ZCB and German Ministry of Justice
20 juni 2024

BigPhish Pilot to Combat Cybercrime Launched in Collaboration between TNO, CFLW, ZCB and German Ministry of Justice

Agenda Cybersecurity Technologies
20 juni 2024

Agenda Cybersecurity Technologies

Registration ONE Conference 2024 Now Open
20 juni 2024

Registration ONE Conference 2024 Now Open

National Technology Strategy Integrates Agenda Cybersecurity Technologies
07 juni 2024

National Technology Strategy Integrates Agenda Cybersecurity Technologies

Recap: AI & Robotics Live Community Event
29 mei 2024

Recap: AI & Robotics Live Community Event

Recap: Succesful Cybersecurity Trade Mission to RSA Conference 2024 in San Francisco
25 mei 2024

Recap: Succesful Cybersecurity Trade Mission to RSA Conference 2024 in San Francisco

TNO Launches Open Source Tool for Automated Cybersecurity
04 apr 2024

TNO Launches Open Source Tool for Automated Cybersecurity

Dutch Delegation Visits InCyber Europe Forum (FIC) 2024
26 mrt 2024

Dutch Delegation Visits InCyber Europe Forum (FIC) 2024

Equals Role Models Campaign Launched for More Women in IT & Cyber Security
09 mrt 2024

Equals Role Models Campaign Launched for More Women in IT & Cyber Security

International Collaboration from Scheveningen to Secure North Sea's Infrastructure
13 feb 2024

International Collaboration from Scheveningen to Secure North Sea's Infrastructure

NWO Awards Funding to Projects Aimed at Collaboration Between Humans and (Semi-)Autonomous Systems
06 feb 2024

NWO Awards Funding to Projects Aimed at Collaboration Between Humans and (Semi-)Autonomous Systems

GPT-NL: Secure & Ethical AI to Power Dutch Society
30 nov 2023

GPT-NL: Secure & Ethical AI to Power Dutch Society

The Netherlands Starts Realisation GPT-NL, Its own Open AI-language Model
03 nov 2023

The Netherlands Starts Realisation GPT-NL, Its own Open AI-language Model

HSD Advisory Board Welcomes Four New Members
31 okt 2023

HSD Advisory Board Welcomes Four New Members

One Conference e-Magazine 2023
22 sept 2023

One Conference e-Magazine 2023

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) startersgids
30 aug 2023

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) startersgids

Important legal aspects when applying Multi-Party Computation in the public domain
28 juli 2023

Important legal aspects when applying Multi-Party Computation in the public domain

HSD Partners Among Nominees Computable Awards 2023
04 juli 2023

HSD Partners Among Nominees Computable Awards 2023

Collective Action Required to Solve Shortage of Cyber and Security Talent
30 juni 2023

Collective Action Required to Solve Shortage of Cyber and Security Talent

Registration One Conference 2023 Now Open
09 juni 2023

Registration One Conference 2023 Now Open

Prevailing Against Cybercrime Requires Grit, Creativity, and Collaboration: 10 Years of Dark Web Monitor
24 mei 2023

Prevailing Against Cybercrime Requires Grit, Creativity, and Collaboration: 10 Years of Dark Web Monitor

Results Human Capital Agenda Security 2019-2022
17 mei 2023

Results Human Capital Agenda Security 2019-2022

Eerste Overzicht van Technieken Cyberaanvallen van AI door AI
17 feb 2023

Eerste Overzicht van Technieken Cyberaanvallen van AI door AI

Eerste Wereldwijde Conferentie Over AI in het Militaire Domein
16 feb 2023

Eerste Wereldwijde Conferentie Over AI in het Militaire Domein

Safety Agenda of the Dutch Blockchain Coalition Launched
02 feb 2023

Safety Agenda of the Dutch Blockchain Coalition Launched

Use Case Insights: Improved Monitoring of Human Trafficking by Sharing Insights
01 feb 2023

Use Case Insights: Improved Monitoring of Human Trafficking by Sharing Insights

Dutch AI Coalition Discusses the Impact of ChatGPT and Algorithm Transparency in the Security and Justice Sector
25 jan 2023

Dutch AI Coalition Discusses the Impact of ChatGPT and Algorithm Transparency in the Security and Justice Sector

City Deal ‘A Smart City, That’s How You Do It’ Extended and Continued
24 jan 2023

City Deal ‘A Smart City, That’s How You Do It’ Extended and Continued

AI-MAPS Prepared for Challenge
11 jan 2023

AI-MAPS Prepared for Challenge

Succesfactoren voor digitaal veilige Operationele Technologie
09 jan 2023

Succesfactoren voor digitaal veilige Operationele Technologie

Privacy Enhancing Technologie; over kunnen en willen
09 jan 2023

Privacy Enhancing Technologie; over kunnen en willen

Shefali Razdan Duggal, U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands Visits HSD Campus
12 dec 2022

Shefali Razdan Duggal, U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands Visits HSD Campus

Towards Digital Life: A Vision of AI in 2032
10 nov 2022

Towards Digital Life: A Vision of AI in 2032

Herstelvermogen binnen OT infrastructuren
27 okt 2022

Herstelvermogen binnen OT infrastructuren

Top Sectors Bundle Innovative Power in CS4NL
20 okt 2022

Top Sectors Bundle Innovative Power in CS4NL

ELSA Lab Defence for Responsible AI Usage Officially Launched
05 okt 2022

ELSA Lab Defence for Responsible AI Usage Officially Launched

The HSD Expert Round Table NIS2 & OT-security
01 okt 2022

The HSD Expert Round Table NIS2 & OT-security

RVO's SBIR Enters Phase 2 with 5 Selected Winners
29 sept 2022

RVO's SBIR Enters Phase 2 with 5 Selected Winners

Help Counter BEC-Fraud: Share Suspicious E-mails
07 sept 2022

Help Counter BEC-Fraud: Share Suspicious E-mails

Kwantificering cyberrisico’s rapport 2021
14 juli 2022

Kwantificering cyberrisico’s rapport 2021

New Collaboration Against Misuse of Dark Web and Cryptocurrencies
23 juni 2022

New Collaboration Against Misuse of Dark Web and Cryptocurrencies

Join the I-LEAD Industry & Research Days with various Law Enforcement Agencies in The Hague!
17 juni 2022

Join the I-LEAD Industry & Research Days with various Law Enforcement Agencies in The Hague!

Introducing Three New Members HSD Advisory Board
25 mei 2022

Introducing Three New Members HSD Advisory Board

Two Research Projects Awarded €3 Million Funding within KIC Call ‘Data & Intelligence’
19 mei 2022

Two Research Projects Awarded €3 Million Funding within KIC Call ‘Data & Intelligence’

Welke cyberdreigingen staan ons te wachten?
21 apr 2022

Welke cyberdreigingen staan ons te wachten?

The Future of Intelligence
13 apr 2022

The Future of Intelligence

AI Peace Palace
02 mrt 2022

AI Peace Palace

TNO and Tech Companies Join Forces for Further Development of Automated Cybersecurity Platform
01 mrt 2022

TNO and Tech Companies Join Forces for Further Development of Automated Cybersecurity Platform

Dutch AI for the Dutch Language (NAIN)
01 mrt 2022

Dutch AI for the Dutch Language (NAIN)

Kick-Off Meeting Community of Practice Business Email Compromise (BEC-Fraud)
11 feb 2022

Kick-Off Meeting Community of Practice Business Email Compromise (BEC-Fraud)

HSD Supports CBR in Search for Biometrics
04 feb 2022

HSD Supports CBR in Search for Biometrics

Two ELSA Labs on 'Human-Centered AI for an Inclusive Society - Towards an Ecosystem of Trust'
28 jan 2022

Two ELSA Labs on 'Human-Centered AI for an Inclusive Society - Towards an Ecosystem of Trust'

Cybersecurity and -Resilience for South Holland
11 jan 2022

Cybersecurity and -Resilience for South Holland

10 Cybersecurity Uitdagingen en Innovaties
10 jan 2022

10 Cybersecurity Uitdagingen en Innovaties

Cyber Crisismanagement
03 jan 2022

Cyber Crisismanagement

Op Zoek Naar de Mens in AI
15 dec 2021

Op Zoek Naar de Mens in AI

NLAIC Podcast on AI Research in Language and Speech Technology: Marlou Snelders (HSD) and Saskia Lensink (TNO)
08 dec 2021

NLAIC Podcast on AI Research in Language and Speech Technology: Marlou Snelders (HSD) and Saskia Lensink (TNO)

Recap HSD Cafe: Upcoming Trends in Security
01 dec 2021

Recap HSD Cafe: Upcoming Trends in Security

Als de Keten Zelf de Zwakste Schakel is
01 dec 2021

Als de Keten Zelf de Zwakste Schakel is

NAIN-Consortium Publishes Report About State of Dutch Language Technologies
08 nov 2021

NAIN-Consortium Publishes Report About State of Dutch Language Technologies

Attracting and Retaining International Talent: South-Holland Collaboration Started
06 nov 2021

Attracting and Retaining International Talent: South-Holland Collaboration Started

Landschap Nederlandstalige Taal- en Spraaktechnologie
22 okt 2021

Landschap Nederlandstalige Taal- en Spraaktechnologie

One Conference 2021: e-Magazine
29 sept 2021

One Conference 2021: e-Magazine

Collaboration Ministry of Justice and Security, National Police and TNO Connects Existing Technologies to New Innovations
09 sept 2021

Collaboration Ministry of Justice and Security, National Police and TNO Connects Existing Technologies to New Innovations

Consortia Prepare for NWA Synergy Programma Call on AI at HSD Campus
26 aug 2021

Consortia Prepare for NWA Synergy Programma Call on AI at HSD Campus

Mapping Trends in Cyber Crisis Management and Resilience with Third HSD Expert Session
15 juli 2021

Mapping Trends in Cyber Crisis Management and Resilience with Third HSD Expert Session

OT and IT Integration: Awareness, Challenges and Opportunities
31 mei 2021

OT and IT Integration: Awareness, Challenges and Opportunities

Community of Practice: OT-Security
28 mei 2021

Community of Practice: OT-Security

1.8 Million for Research Into Quantum Security of Public Key Infrastructure
22 mei 2021

1.8 Million for Research Into Quantum Security of Public Key Infrastructure

Herstelvermogen: de stand van zaken bij Nederlandse organisaties
11 mei 2021

Herstelvermogen: de stand van zaken bij Nederlandse organisaties

TNO 2021 R10245: Vraagstukken en perspectieven voor ICT SCRM – een initiële verkenning
04 mei 2021

TNO 2021 R10245: Vraagstukken en perspectieven voor ICT SCRM – een initiële verkenning

Open Source Data Diode
15 apr 2021

Open Source Data Diode

The Netherlands’ National Growth Fund Awards the Dutch AI Coalition with 276 Million Euros to Accelerate the Opportunities of AI
10 apr 2021

The Netherlands’ National Growth Fund Awards the Dutch AI Coalition with 276 Million Euros to Accelerate the Opportunities of AI

Combating Financial Crimes in the Era of Emergent Technologies
01 apr 2021

Combating Financial Crimes in the Era of Emergent Technologies

TNO and CFLW: Together we Take the Fight Against Cybercrime to the Next Level
25 mrt 2021

TNO and CFLW: Together we Take the Fight Against Cybercrime to the Next Level

Technologie Voor Terrorisme­ Bestrijding
24 mrt 2021

Technologie Voor Terrorisme­ Bestrijding

Supply Chain
22 mrt 2021

Supply Chain

Data Science Initiative Recap
11 mrt 2021

Data Science Initiative Recap

Who to Include for Successful Smart City Initiatives
26 feb 2021

Who to Include for Successful Smart City Initiatives

Recap HSD Café: Discussing Trends in Security  
20 feb 2021

Recap HSD Café: Discussing Trends in Security  

Data gebruiken zonder ze te krijgen of te zien
16 feb 2021

Data gebruiken zonder ze te krijgen of te zien

HSD Expert Roundtable Crisismanagement: Discussing Potential Collaboration on Scientific Evaluations of Cybercrises
04 feb 2021

HSD Expert Roundtable Crisismanagement: Discussing Potential Collaboration on Scientific Evaluations of Cybercrises

Handvatten Cybersecurity in de Logistieke Keten
28 jan 2021

Handvatten Cybersecurity in de Logistieke Keten

Bootleg Hackers wins 'Hackathon for Good The Hague 2020' with a Solution to Report Environmental Crimes
01 dec 2020

Bootleg Hackers wins 'Hackathon for Good The Hague 2020' with a Solution to Report Environmental Crimes

Province of South Holland Invests in Human Capital and 'Lifelong Development'
11 nov 2020

Province of South Holland Invests in Human Capital and 'Lifelong Development'

Het Menselijke Immuunsysteem: Wapen in de Strijd Tegen Cyberaanvallen
29 okt 2020

Het Menselijke Immuunsysteem: Wapen in de Strijd Tegen Cyberaanvallen

One Conference 2020: e-Magazine
30 sept 2020

One Conference 2020: e-Magazine

Consortium Targets Automatic Prevention of Cyber Attacks
30 sept 2020

Consortium Targets Automatic Prevention of Cyber Attacks

South Holland Growth Agenda
25 sept 2020

South Holland Growth Agenda

Market Consultation “Open Source Cyber Product Development”
17 sept 2020

Market Consultation “Open Source Cyber Product Development”

First Quantum Network in NL Released by End of 2020 Between Delft and The Hague
28 aug 2020

First Quantum Network in NL Released by End of 2020 Between Delft and The Hague

Market Dialogue: i-LEAD Industry & Research Days with Law Enforcement
18 juni 2020

Market Dialogue: i-LEAD Industry & Research Days with Law Enforcement

New Chairman HSD Advisory Board
15 juni 2020

New Chairman HSD Advisory Board

Province of South-Holland ‘Visits’ HSD to Explore Cybersecurity
28 mei 2020

Province of South-Holland ‘Visits’ HSD to Explore Cybersecurity

Partners and Advisory Board Members Contribute to HSD Strategy 2020-2025
13 mei 2020

Partners and Advisory Board Members Contribute to HSD Strategy 2020-2025

Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven and European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel launch Quantum Inspire
22 apr 2020

Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven and European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel launch Quantum Inspire

European Cyber Security Perspectives 2020
04 mrt 2020

European Cyber Security Perspectives 2020

Innovation of Police Work Contributes to the Security of NL
03 mrt 2020

Innovation of Police Work Contributes to the Security of NL

Holland Pavilion at RSA Conference 2020 Presents the Dutch
26 feb 2020

Holland Pavilion at RSA Conference 2020 Presents the Dutch

Doubling of Investments in Innovation to 4,9 Billion Euros
13 nov 2019

Doubling of Investments in Innovation to 4,9 Billion Euros

Are Your Kids Cyber Secure? Test Their Skills in New HackShield Game
18 okt 2019

Are Your Kids Cyber Secure? Test Their Skills in New HackShield Game

Recap Innovation Floor at One Conference
14 okt 2019

Recap Innovation Floor at One Conference

Signing Letter of Intent Consortium Automated Security Operations
09 okt 2019

Signing Letter of Intent Consortium Automated Security Operations

Strategisch Actieplan voor Artificiële Intelligentie
09 okt 2019

Strategisch Actieplan voor Artificiële Intelligentie

Launch Dutch Strategic Action Plan for AI and AI Coalition
08 okt 2019

Launch Dutch Strategic Action Plan for AI and AI Coalition

TNO and CBS are Joining Forces on Transparent and Verifiable AI Use
07 okt 2019

TNO and CBS are Joining Forces on Transparent and Verifiable AI Use

The IoT Security Landscape
03 okt 2019

The IoT Security Landscape

Opportunities and Threats of New Technologies for Our Digital Economy
01 okt 2019

Opportunities and Threats of New Technologies for Our Digital Economy

Quantum Computing in Cyber Security Domain: Report and HSD Cafe
19 sept 2019

Quantum Computing in Cyber Security Domain: Report and HSD Cafe

WRR report emphasizes importance of preparation for digital disruption
13 sept 2019

WRR report emphasizes importance of preparation for digital disruption

New Dutch AI Coalition Demands National Approach
23 juli 2019

New Dutch AI Coalition Demands National Approach

PIB Blockchain Solutions Netherlands-Singapore Signed
09 juli 2019

PIB Blockchain Solutions Netherlands-Singapore Signed

66 Parties Sign Agreement to Improve Labour Market South-Holland
24 juni 2019

66 Parties Sign Agreement to Improve Labour Market South-Holland

KPN and QuTech Join Forces to Make Quantum Internet a Reality
20 juni 2019

KPN and QuTech Join Forces to Make Quantum Internet a Reality

National Initiative for IoT & Cyber Security Receives Funding
18 juni 2019

National Initiative for IoT & Cyber Security Receives Funding

DRIVER+ Project Conducts Another Successful Trial in The Hague
18 juni 2019

DRIVER+ Project Conducts Another Successful Trial in The Hague

Smart Secure Resilient Cities
05 juni 2019

Smart Secure Resilient Cities

Inspiration session P@CT: Professionalising Cybersecurity in Education
04 juni 2019

Inspiration session P@CT: Professionalising Cybersecurity in Education

The Development of Smart Secure Cities
23 apr 2019

The Development of Smart Secure Cities

Introduction New HSD Advisory Board
04 apr 2019

Introduction New HSD Advisory Board

First HSD Cafe of 2019
25 mrt 2019

First HSD Cafe of 2019

Data & Artificial Intelligence
15 mrt 2019

Data & Artificial Intelligence

New Report: European Cyber Security Perspectives 2019
13 mrt 2019

New Report: European Cyber Security Perspectives 2019

Automated Security Operations
12 mrt 2019

Automated Security Operations

Experimenting with Real Time Intelligence
07 feb 2019

Experimenting with Real Time Intelligence

Results RTI-Lab Programme: Dynamic Protocol at Volvo Ocean Race event
17 dec 2018

Results RTI-Lab Programme: Dynamic Protocol at Volvo Ocean Race event

Research in Progress: Smart City Technologies for Urban Security
11 dec 2018

Research in Progress: Smart City Technologies for Urban Security

Neighbourhood Initiatives in The Hague Leads to New Urban Security Developments
30 nov 2018

Neighbourhood Initiatives in The Hague Leads to New Urban Security Developments

Missions As a Solution to Societal Challenges
29 nov 2018

Missions As a Solution to Societal Challenges

Special Offer for HSD Community to Attend TUS Expo Europe 2019
21 nov 2018

Special Offer for HSD Community to Attend TUS Expo Europe 2019

Heads of Regional Innovation and Expertise Centres visit The Hague Security Delta
15 okt 2018

Heads of Regional Innovation and Expertise Centres visit The Hague Security Delta

Accenture Innovation Awards Announces Top 25 Innovations for Security
28 aug 2018

Accenture Innovation Awards Announces Top 25 Innovations for Security

Launch of the 3rd National Cyber Security Research Agenda
06 juni 2018

Launch of the 3rd National Cyber Security Research Agenda

New RTI-lab Innovation Project: ‘Dynamic Protocol’ for Big Incidents and High-risk Events
30 mei 2018

New RTI-lab Innovation Project: ‘Dynamic Protocol’ for Big Incidents and High-risk Events

Recap of HSD Café Security & GDPR: Opportunities and Challenges
25 mei 2018

Recap of HSD Café Security & GDPR: Opportunities and Challenges

U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands Visits HSD Campus
03 mei 2018

U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands Visits HSD Campus

Call for Interest: Partners for International Business Singapore
12 mrt 2018

Call for Interest: Partners for International Business Singapore

 Start Fourth Cohort Executive Master’s Programme Cyber Security
18 jan 2018

Start Fourth Cohort Executive Master’s Programme Cyber Security

Cyber Security Council Recommends Security Certificates for IoT-devices
12 jan 2018

Cyber Security Council Recommends Security Certificates for IoT-devices

Real Time Intelligence (RTI) Lab Programme
19 dec 2017

Real Time Intelligence (RTI) Lab Programme

Prepare Yourself for the Crisis of Tomorrow: AI and Blockchain
01 dec 2017

Prepare Yourself for the Crisis of Tomorrow: AI and Blockchain

“Human Factors in Intelligence, Know Where to Go!”
01 nov 2017

“Human Factors in Intelligence, Know Where to Go!”

Robin Radar Systems Signs a €7m Deal with Royal Netherlands Airforce
26 okt 2017

Robin Radar Systems Signs a €7m Deal with Royal Netherlands Airforce

Call for Startups: Get in the Ring and Do Business
24 okt 2017

Call for Startups: Get in the Ring and Do Business

Satellite Observation for Innovative Security Solutions
04 okt 2017

Satellite Observation for Innovative Security Solutions

Recap Cyber Security Week 2017
03 okt 2017

Recap Cyber Security Week 2017

Dutch National Police behind Takedown of Two of the Largest Criminal Dark Web Markets
27 juli 2017

Dutch National Police behind Takedown of Two of the Largest Criminal Dark Web Markets

Cyber Security Week: Together we Secure the Future
21 juni 2017

Cyber Security Week: Together we Secure the Future

National Police Able to Predict Crime with New Big Data System
23 mei 2017

National Police Able to Predict Crime with New Big Data System

ROC Mondriaan Launches First MBO ‘Secure Programming’ course
17 mei 2017

ROC Mondriaan Launches First MBO ‘Secure Programming’ course

New Report: Threats and Challenges Regarding Cyber Security are Bigger than Estimated
11 mei 2017

New Report: Threats and Challenges Regarding Cyber Security are Bigger than Estimated

INTERPOL and TNO Partnership to Combat Cybercrime
19 apr 2017

INTERPOL and TNO Partnership to Combat Cybercrime

Announced: First MBO-Level Elective Course ‘Secure Programming’
18 apr 2017

Announced: First MBO-Level Elective Course ‘Secure Programming’

King Willem-Alexander Visits The Hague Security Delta
23 mrt 2017

King Willem-Alexander Visits The Hague Security Delta

Dutch Cyber Security Council: Digital Delta Plan is Necessary
13 mrt 2017

Dutch Cyber Security Council: Digital Delta Plan is Necessary

TV Broadcast: Is the Netherlands Hack Proof?
05 mrt 2017

TV Broadcast: Is the Netherlands Hack Proof?

Three Key Organisations Support the Ambition of a National Cyber Test Center
14 feb 2017

Three Key Organisations Support the Ambition of a National Cyber Test Center

Start Third Cohort Executive Master’s Programme Cyber Security
16 jan 2017

Start Third Cohort Executive Master’s Programme Cyber Security

Opening TNO Cyber Threat Lab at HSD Campus
21 dec 2016

Opening TNO Cyber Threat Lab at HSD Campus

Prime Minister Mark Rutte Visits HSD
30 nov 2016

Prime Minister Mark Rutte Visits HSD

Publication New Report Value Creation in Triple Helix Innovation
22 nov 2016

Publication New Report Value Creation in Triple Helix Innovation

Increase in International Cyber Attacks Calls for National Testbed
24 okt 2016

Increase in International Cyber Attacks Calls for National Testbed

Alert Online & Raising Cyber Security Awareness
03 okt 2016

Alert Online & Raising Cyber Security Awareness

How to Prepare for the Future - NRC Live Cyberinsecurity
30 sept 2016

How to Prepare for the Future - NRC Live Cyberinsecurity

Dutch Police Force Operationalises Birds of Prey as Anti-Drone Method
13 sept 2016

Dutch Police Force Operationalises Birds of Prey as Anti-Drone Method

European Consortium Receives €12 Million to Develop Forensic Toolbox
05 aug 2016

European Consortium Receives €12 Million to Develop Forensic Toolbox

The Netherlands and Singapore Cooperate Against Cyber Crime
14 juli 2016

The Netherlands and Singapore Cooperate Against Cyber Crime

TNO and Interpol Start Collaboration in Combating Cybercrime
22 juni 2016

TNO and Interpol Start Collaboration in Combating Cybercrime

Get a Better Understanding of Cyber Security During Summer School
21 juni 2016

Get a Better Understanding of Cyber Security During Summer School

Launch of PACT project HSD Campus - Connecting Intermediate Vocational Education (MBO) and Cyber Security Job Market
21 juni 2016

Launch of PACT project HSD Campus - Connecting Intermediate Vocational Education (MBO) and Cyber Security Job Market

Recap Video and Infographic SRIE2016
08 juni 2016

Recap Video and Infographic SRIE2016

1.5 Million Available to Create Bridges between Intermediate Vocational Education (MBO) and Cyber Security Job Market
31 mei 2016

1.5 Million Available to Create Bridges between Intermediate Vocational Education (MBO) and Cyber Security Job Market

European Union Representatives Visit HSD Campus with Focus on 'Cyber Resilient Society'
27 mei 2016

European Union Representatives Visit HSD Campus with Focus on 'Cyber Resilient Society'

High Level Meeting Cyber Security and Signing of Vulnerability Disclosure Manifesto
21 mei 2016

High Level Meeting Cyber Security and Signing of Vulnerability Disclosure Manifesto

International Security Conference in the Netherlands Offers Innovative Solutions for European Security Challenges
17 mei 2016

International Security Conference in the Netherlands Offers Innovative Solutions for European Security Challenges

Announcement: Max Remerie New Programme Manager National Cyber Testbed
25 apr 2016

Announcement: Max Remerie New Programme Manager National Cyber Testbed

Funding for Research to Design National Cyber Testbed
04 apr 2016

Funding for Research to Design National Cyber Testbed

TNO Publishes a New Report Concerning the Safe and Secure Usage of Drones
22 mrt 2016

TNO Publishes a New Report Concerning the Safe and Secure Usage of Drones

Earth Observations Provide Opportunities for Economic Growth
02 feb 2016

Earth Observations Provide Opportunities for Economic Growth

ENLETS EMPACT Security Research Workshop
20 jan 2016

ENLETS EMPACT Security Research Workshop

HSD Network Establishes Connections with ‘U.S. Hotbed for Cyber Security Entrepreneurship’
19 okt 2015

HSD Network Establishes Connections with ‘U.S. Hotbed for Cyber Security Entrepreneurship’

Safety and Security (SSA) 2015
28 sept 2015

Safety and Security (SSA) 2015

International Media Visit HSD Campus
03 dec 2014

International Media Visit HSD Campus

Meet the Newest Tenants at the HSD Campus
22 mei 2014

Meet the Newest Tenants at the HSD Campus

Top priority Minister Opstelten: Reduce Break-ins
08 mei 2014

Top priority Minister Opstelten: Reduce Break-ins

Founding Partner TNO about Their Participation in HSD
09 apr 2014

Founding Partner TNO about Their Participation in HSD

International Exposure for Innovative Dutch Security Concepts
21 mrt 2014

International Exposure for Innovative Dutch Security Concepts

Showcasing the Preeminent Challenges in the Field of Forensics in Nuclear Security
09 mrt 2014

Showcasing the Preeminent Challenges in the Field of Forensics in Nuclear Security

New Members HSD Management Team
07 feb 2014

New Members HSD Management Team

New Cyber Security Report: an Insiders Perspective
14 jan 2014

New Cyber Security Report: an Insiders Perspective

HSD Proudly Presents: Board Members and Executive Committee
10 juli 2013

HSD Proudly Presents: Board Members and Executive Committee

Wanted: Innovative Security Solutions for Events
29 mei 2013

Wanted: Innovative Security Solutions for Events

TNO Opens Cyber Security Lab
21 mei 2013

TNO Opens Cyber Security Lab

HSD opens support desk for SME
08 feb 2013

HSD opens support desk for SME

TNO newsletter: Safe Society
29 nov 2012

TNO newsletter: Safe Society

Start European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS)
09 okt 2012

Start European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS)

Partners promote HSD at ASIS 2012 in Philadelphia (USA)
07 sept 2012

Partners promote HSD at ASIS 2012 in Philadelphia (USA)

Start 'Pieken in de Delta' HSD-project
01 nov 2010

Start 'Pieken in de Delta' HSD-project