AI-MAPS Prepared for Challenge

11 jan 2023
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has outgrown the laboratory phase and is being deployed more widely and deeply reports Peter van der Putten of Pegasystems in the Emerce article “Speelkwartier is over: kansen en uitdagingen op het gebied van AI in 2023” on 22 December last. 


In the article, Van der Putten says it is important for organisations to start taking stock of AI-based decisions, systems and products, identifying which ones are most at risk. "It is important to continuously monitor AI systems for performance, robustness, fairness and transparency - even after the design phase." One of the challenges the AI-MAPS (AI for Multi-Agency Public Safety issues) consortium is already working on. Early 2022, it was announced by the NWO and the NL AI Coalition that the consortium has been honoured to start an Elsa Lab. 


Together with other awarded ELSA Lab projects, a total of more than 10 million has been allocated for research and a network project has been submitted in June 2022. Initiators of the call are the ministries of Economic Affairs and Climate, Defense, Justice and Security, Interior and Kingdom Relations and Education, Culture and Science




The award stems from the NWA call 'Human-Centered AI for an inclusive society- towards an ecosystem of trust'. Within a co-creative environment, in an ELSA Lab ('Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects') by researchers and companies, coherent research is carried out on technological, economic and societal challenges. The research based on the NWA call 'Human-Centered AI for an Inclusive Society' should support the development of technological innovations that safeguard public values and fundamental rights, respect - where possible strengthen - human rights and can count on public support. The research thus contributes to building an ecosystem of trust.


Over the next five to six years, the AI-Maps consortium will collaborate with Erasmus University Rotterdam, TU Delft, TNO, Leiden University, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Willem de Kooning Academy, the Dutch National Police, Rotterdam Arts & Science Lab (RASL), Civic AI Lab, Google, Deloitte, SynthO,, SIDN, Nokia, National Police Lab AI, UbiOps, Rathenau Institute, PublicSonar, Woonstad Rotterdam, Dutch Police Academy, CENTRIC, Security Delta (HSD), the Safety & Security Impact Coalition, Axis Communication and Lanner.






With the support of the municipality of The Hague, HSD Office helped matchmaking the AI-MAPS consortium, connecting relevant stakeholders with the consortia and the procedure prior to submission.


Read more about AI MAPS here.

Read the NWO's press release here.

Read more about the ELSA lab concept here.

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