Announcement: Max Remerie New Programme Manager National Cyber Testbed

25 apr 2016
Auteur: HSD Foundation

At the beginning of April HSD and the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) announced the funding for research on the realisation and opportunities of a national cyber testcentre. This testbed could enable and improve the digital security of critical infrastructures like water, energy, telecom and that of our health services. The Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague (MRDH) made €200.000,- available for this research and the appointment of a "kwartiermaker". 


Today we would like to announce that Max Remerie started as HSD programme manager/ "kwartiermaker". The coming months Max Remerie will - together with future users - work on a plan on how to realise this tesbed. He will investigate the need of this testbed where professionals work together on research and will be able to test, train and demonstrate the cybersecurity of the critical infrastructure. Before this Max worked at Siemens Netherlands in the fields of ICT, Building Technology and as Business Development Director.



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