International Media Visit HSD Campus

03 dec 2014
Auteur: HSD Foundation


In the morning of Wednesday December 3th, a group of international journalists from the United States and Singapore visited the HSD Campus. This visit was part of a tour, organised by the RVO and NFIA, to promote the Netherlands as a the place to be for international IT businesses and is in line with HSD’s aim to build knowledge bridges to these two countries.


HSD and the HSD Campus were presented as examples of the strong position of the Netherlands as the ‘digital and secure gateway to Europe’. Also, the value of triple helix cooperation for innovation was explained to the journalists by Joris den Bruinen, Deputy Director of HSD. Michel Rademaker (chairman) presented the Trusted Networks Initiative, a project of which HSD has been one of the initiators and which allows organisations to temporary close their website for foreign internet traffic in order to defend itself against an attack and at the same time still be accessible to Dutch consumers. This is the first of its kind in Europe. TNO showed its capabilities of hacking mobile phones.


After this first session, the journalists received a tour of the campus and the following HSD partners gave demonstrations of their innovative cyber security solutions and explained why they are partner of HSD.
- Tokenizer
- iCopp
- Dé CrisisCommunicatieGame
- Tracks Inspector
- Authasas
- The Internet Service Centre of the Dutch Tax Office
- Fox-IT


International exposure for HSD

The visit lead to the publication of articles on several influential security mediums. Managing Editor Han Fook Kwang has published an article called 'Going Dutch in the Digital World' in the Sunday Times, The Straits Times and in The Daily Star.
Network World, a premier provider of information, intelligence and insight for Network and IT Executives, has written an extensive article about HSD and the Dutch security sector in general. Security Bistro, an online cybersecurity news source, also published an article on HSD and specifically mentioned the Trusted Networks Initiative. Reporter Linda Musthaler describes her visit to the HSD campus, where she learned about the Trusted Networks Initiative—a concept to fend off attacks on untrusted parts of the internet. Musthaler notes that, “This concept is being tested in the Netherlands because it is the most wired country in Europe".
Joel Hruska, author for a online tech publication, HotHardware, has published an article about the visit to the HSD Campus. He mentioned the issue of mobile network security from TNO and the Trusted Networks Initiative.
Digitial newshub and Tech news indexer in USA, W8.MS have published an article about Mobile Network and Internet Threats. They mentioned that HSD is indeed a 'digital gateway' to Europe.

Inbound Logistics, a US logistics business magazine, published a article about HSD in January 2015. They mentioned the Netherlands as innovator in Logistics & Transportation Safety.


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