First HSD Cafe of 2019

25 mrt 2019
Auteur: HSD Foundation

21 March was the first HSD Café of this year. The theme was the Real Time Intelligence (RTI) Lab, a programme by TNO, the National Police and HSD Office.


The goal of the RTI Lab is to demonstrate the added value of new products, services or concepts in the field of Real Time Intelligence and to develop applicable knowledge on this topic. The project connects science, businesses and government with the aim of learning and innovating together.


Mariëlle den Hengst of the National Police explained how the RTI Lab works and exemplified the scope of the programme by introducing several of its’ projects. This was followed by Sven Schultz from TNO, who shared outcomes of the Dynamic Protocol experiments for event safety & security. These projects utilized TNO’s decision support system and Tensing’s GIS-application to prepare and manage events like the finish of the Volvo Ocean Race and the Sinterklaas-intocht in 2018. New project ideas within the two themes “Ethics, law and transparency in data usage” and “Visualisation of Intelligence” were discussed by multiple speakers, among them was Marc Steen from TNO. His slides can be found here.


After these introductions, small groups had break-out sessions to discuss the challenges that were presented and share possible solutions that can be worked on in future projects. 


If you like interacting and brainstorming about solutions or if you just enjoy new knowledge and expanding your network, visit the next HSD Café! An overview of HSD Cafés to come can be found here.



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