How to Prepare for the Future - NRC Live Cyberinsecurity

30 sept 2016
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The NRC Live event Cyberinsecurity, which was held September 29th in New Babylon The Hague, proved to be very inspirational. Specialists from all over the country gathered to talk about the latest trends and developements in cyber security. Speakers from across the fields were invited, among them: The Cyber Security Counsil (de Cyber Security Raad), The City of The Hague as well as HSD's chairman Wim Kuijken. This NRC Live event was opened by Deputy Mayor of the City of The Hague Van Engelshoven.


The following questions were discussed:


  • How do you address cyber risks in your organisation and business chain?

  • How can we make The Netherlands more robust against cyber criminality and cyber espionage?

  • What kind of influence does internet of things, cloud computing, big data and the smartphone have on security?

  • Who is responsible for big data?

  • What kind of ecnomical opportunities are there for cyber security?

Wim Kuijken addressed the matter of digital security and security through digital solutions and the need for more cyber security policies. "We need to invest in security policies in order to prepare for potential threats. The developments within new types of crimes, financial crime for instance, is rapidly growing and we need to act upon it." Ethical questions relating to privacy concerns with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) were pointed out by dr. Bibi van den berg, head of the Cybersecurity Governance Group at Leiden University. "The question if it is a good thing that devices are connected is not the right kind of question to ask. IoT is an ongoing process which we can't stop." Van Engelshoven and Van den Berg wrote an opinion piece in which they plead for more international cooperation between police forces and justice systems in order to tackle cybercrimes. Read more about Wim Kuijken's opinion piece here.


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