The Netherlands and Singapore Cooperate Against Cyber Crime

14 juli 2016
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The Dutch National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is going to work together with the Cyber Security Agency (CSA) of Singapore. They signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to join forces in the field of cybersecurity in their effort to create a safer digital world.


The agreement was signed by Patricia Zorko, Director Cyber Security and Deputy National Coordinator of Counter-Terrorism and Safety (NCTV), and David Koh, Director of CSA. Zorko emphasised the importance to fight cybercrime not only national but in an international environment. She sees many similarities between Singapore and The Netherlands. Both are frontrunners in the field of cybersecurity and innovation. By hosting some of the World’s largest internet exchanges, they are important digital mainports in their region: Singapore in South East Asia and The Netherlands in Europe. The cooperation will focus on the exchange of knowledge and expertise and sharing best practices and strategies for the protection of critical infrastructures.


In June this year TNO and Interpol extended their worldwide co-operation to Singapore as well.


Read more here (in Dutch).

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