TNO and Interpol Start Collaboration in Combating Cybercrime

22 juni 2016
Auteur: HSD Foundation

During a visit to Singapore a joint declaration was signed by INTERPOL and HSD Founding partner TNO. With this declaration the two organisations will identify areas for enhanced collaboration in combating cybercrime.


Areas for potential future cooperation include the development of innovative training material as well as related courses and seminars for law enforcement agencies. A specialised training course, the first of its kind, to identify the methods and strategies used by organised crime networks and individuals to avoid detection on the Darknet was co-developed by INTERPOL and TNO.


A private Darknet network, private cryptocurrency and simulated marketplace to recreate the virtual underground environment used by criminals was created by INTERPOL’s Cyber Research Lab and TNO for the first exercise hosted at the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) in Singapore. A second training course was held in Brussels and a third will be held at the IGCI in August this year.


“It is through cooperation with research institutions such as TNO that we continue to provide law enforcement with the training and resources they need to take effective action in combating cybercrime,” said Noboru Nakatani, Executive Director of the IGCI.


Henk Geveke TNO’s Managing Director for Defence, Safety and Security said, “The current joint efforts of INTERPOL and TNO already provides law enforcement worldwide with a deeper understanding of the evolving criminal activities on the Darknet. By working even closer with INTERPOL we look forward enabling law enforcement to police cybercrime even more effectively.”


Source: Interpol


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