Introducing Three New Members HSD Advisory Board

25 mei 2022
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Security Delta (HSD) welcomes Inald Lagendijk, Jessica Conquet and Erno Doorenspleet as new members of the HSD Advisory Board. They have been appointed on personal title and will join the board for a minimum of 2 years. The Advisory board represents a mix of triple helix organisations and different substantive backgrounds. They meet three times a year and advise HSD General Director on the thematic programming in which the foundation is involved and on its substantive strategic course.


Erno Doorenspleet is VP Security Strategy and CTO at KPN Security. “For me, HSD stands for sharing knowledge and innovation and strengthening the Netherlands in the Security playing field. Through smart cooperation we let our security footprint grow and make the Netherlands safer. In recent years HSD has developed further and shown that it can build bridges between private and public, making us a strong security country. I personally look forward to developing this further together with the HSD team.”


Jessica Conquet is chair of the Platform for Information Security (PvIB) and Global Head Cyber Security at ABN AMRO Clearing Bank. Asked about the importance of Security Delta, she says “I strongly believe we can secure our ever growing digital society by promoting collaboration on different levels. As Chair of The Platform for Information Security I have witnessed the effect of sharing information, knowledge and expertise amongst professionals in the field. With HSD we have the unique opportunity to scale up towards businesses, governments and industry by not only share knowledge but also collaborate on innovative solutions.”


Inald Lagendijk is Distinguished professor in Computing-based Society at the TU Delft and has been familiar with the ecosystem of Security Delta for a long time. "HSD forms an important security cluster that can contribute to the demand-driven research and education agenda of knowledge institutions. In my role as professor at TU Delft and scientific figurehead of the Top Team ICT, I am happy to work through the RvA to strengthen this mutual interaction." 


The HSD Advisory Board members are:

  • Chairman: Erwin Muller (Dean, Chair and Professor, Leiden University)
  • Willem Offerhaus (Executive Vice President executive relations and special projects, KPN)
  • Elsine van Os (Founder and CEO, Signpost Six)
  • Han Biemans (Dean of Faculty IT & Design, The Hague University of Applied Sciences) 
  • Erik Ploegmakers (CEO, Zerocopter)
  • Christine Foekens (Coordinator Digital Economy, Provincie Zuid-Holland)
  • Berry Vetjens (Director IT and innovations, TNO)
  • Jan van den Berg (Emeritus Professor Cyber Security TU Delft and Leiden University)
  • Rob van Bokhoven (Afdelingshoofd Beleid & Strategie parket Noord-Holland en landelijke Officier van Justitie HIC en MoBa, Openbaar Ministerie)
  • Inald Lagendijk (Bijzonder hoogleraar computing-based Society, TU Delft)
  • Jessica Conquet (Chairman Platform for Information Security (PvIB) and Global Head Cyber Security at ABN AMRO Clearing Bank)
  • Erno Doorenspleet (VP Security Strategy, CTO KPN Security)

During the Advisory Board meeting on 20 June, we will say goodbye to our members Willem Offerhaus and Jan van den Berg. We would like to thank them for sharing their knowledge and vision, commitment and involvement since the establishment of the Advisory Board in 2019.




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