Kick-Off Meeting Community of Practice Business Email Compromise (BEC-Fraud)

11 feb 2022
Auteur: HSD Foundation

In September 2020 a collaboration to combat CEO- and Digital Invoice Fraud was announced, led by the Dutch public prosecution service (OM), Security Delta (HSD) and the cybercrime team of the Hague police force. The first orientating & inventory phase of this programme has been concluded. This week, the implementation phase has started aiming to achieve concrete results with a new Community of Practice. 


This community, consisting of OM, Fraudehelpdesk, ABN AMRO, Kamer van Koophandel, the cybercrime team of the Hague police force, Institute for Financial Crime (IFFC), Northwave, Thorbecke Academie and TNO, is aimed at gaining insight into the modus operandi of cyber criminals attemping BEC-fraud, as well as creating a less favourable environment for cybercrime. The Community will work according to the phases of the security chain (pro-action, prevention, preparation, responses and aftercare), and share use cases and war stories. These will uncover shared issues and needs, which can be tackled together.


The focus within this Community of Practice is on the exchange of knowledge and skills. According to the information shared here, activities will be determined, and initiatives launched, which will be supported by Security Delta (HSD). Examples of this are the creation of ‘barriers’ to disrupt the business models that BEC-fraud criminals rely on. Other examples include the launch of a knowledge repository, or the development of tools to increase awareness or actionable perspective for potential victims.

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