Province of South-Holland ‘Visits’ HSD to Explore Cybersecurity

28 mei 2020
Auteur: HSD Foundation

On 27 May, a delegation of the Province of South-Holland digitally visited The Hague Security Delta. The Kings Commissioner Jaap Smit and 14 members of the Committee on Spatial Planning, Housing and Economy of the Province of South-Holland were informed by Joris den Bruinen and Wim Kuijken about the relevance of cyber security for economic sectors in South-Holland. Also the role of the Dutch Security cluster HSD was explained.



Kings Commissioner Jaap Smit: "The ongoing digitisation is rapidly changing our society. This offers many opportunities. At the same time, the digital world also poses risks and vulnerabilities. Ensuring digital security is important to properly integrate new technologies into our lives. I am proud of the presence of The Hague Security Delta in our province. This institute brings together a lot of knowledge about digitization and security. In The Hague Security Delta public and private parties work together on a digital secure society."

During the meeting, HSD emphazised the importance of cyber security in relation to our digital economy with concrete examples for the region. HSD partner Marcel Jutte from Hudson Cybertech, a fast growing company specialized in operational technology security, explained the added value of clusters such as HSD.


To get a better understanding of initiatives that could be of interest for the Province, Saskia Noordewier (HSD), together with Berry Vetjens (TNO) highlighted two HSD innovation programmes: ‘Automated Security Operations with the use of AI’ and ‘Cyber Resilience Initiative for economic sectors in South-Holland’, such a Greenport, Manufacturing, Medical and Harbors. 


In addition, the committee asked questions about several topics such as cooperation, 5G, Human Capital and Unmanned Valley.


Joris den Bruinen, director HSD: “It is good to see that we both carry out the importance of digitisation and cyber resilience of the important economic sectors in South-Holland. Collaboration between the Economic Board South-Holland, the Province, InnovationQuarter and cluster organisations is key to enhance the cyber resilience of our society. With this visit the Committee has a better view on what role clusters like HSD can play in this challenge.”

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