New RTI-lab Innovation Project: ‘Dynamic Protocol’ for Big Incidents and High-risk Events

30 mei 2018
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The Dutch Police, Tensing and TNO start with the innovation project ‘Dynamic Protocol’ for complex situations. The aim is to realise an information tool that supports the coordination in complex situations, such as large-scale incidents and high risk events. It is part of the Real-Time Intelligence Lab (RTI-lab) programme, where partners invest, innovate, experiment and learn together.


The coordination in complex situations, such as crises, large scale incidents and other large scale activities, such as events, continues to be a serious challenge for the police. In the preparation of a coordinated action, a special team (in Dutch: Staf Grootschalig Bijzonder Optreden, SGBO) is activated. The SGBO drafts protocols that describe how to act during the execution of an action in a real life situation. The new ‘Dynamic Protocol’ is an information tool that aims to support the decisions that need to be taken during the execution of an action. It maps out the actual situation: how busy the location is, the traffic flows, and the routes of public transport.  It also creates an action orientated perspective, and can calculate and visualize possible scenarios. Think for example of how a clearance or evacuation could flow out with an actual threat or a closure of access roads.





The concept ‘Dynamic Protocol’ is currently being transformed into an easy to handle and executable prototype. With the prototype, the parties involved will test a practical situation together, to get a better understanding of the added value and impact of the concept.


The project came about in the RTI-lab, a partnership between the Dutch Police, TNO and The Hague Security Delta Office. The RTI-lab supports organisations actively in the field of security with the innovation of their real-time intelligence and setting up triple-helix cooperation. For more information please contact Mariëlle den Hengst (Dutch Police), Christiaan van den Berg (TNO) or Mark Ruijsendaal (HSD Office).


Read the article in Dutch


Photo: Projectteam Dynamic Protocol with Dutch Police, Tensing and TNO


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