National Initiative for IoT & Cyber Security Receives Funding

18 juni 2019
Auteur: HSD Foundation

In July 2018, a new Dutch national initiative on R&D and (technological) innovation for Cyber Security for (Industrial) Internet-of-Things was announced. In the context of the 2018 NWO NWA-ORC call, a consortium led by Professor Sandro Etalle from Eindhoven University of Technology developed a compelling bid. The proposal was submitted on 31 January 2019 and on 12 June 2019, NWO announced that it decided to award funding for this initiative. With the combined investment of NWO (8.2 million) and the participating partners (1.8 million), the total project budget is 10 million.


Aim of the proposal is to establish a public-private partnership bringing together relevant actors from academia, industry, government, and society at large developing a responsive Cyber Security for Internet-of-Things R&D Agenda, developing new Cyber Security stock of knowledge, accelerating the translation of the knowledge to new Cyber Security (technological) innovations (working in an open innovation setting), developing new Cyber Security capabilities, developing new Cyber Security capacity (researchers, practitioners, leaders), creating spill-over effects to (classified) application domains, and advancing Cyber Security towards a truly trans-disciplinary science (working in an open science setting), to enable a secure and safe digital society and digital economy.


The proposal was developed by a consortium consisting of Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of Technology, Free University Amsterdam, Radboud University Nijmegen, Tilburg University, University Twente, NWO-i NSCR, TNO CSR, TNO ESI, Fontys Hogescholen, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences Leiden, as well as BDO Advisory B.V., Brainport Development N.V., Bosch Security Systems B.V., Centric Netherlands B.V., Compumatica secure networks B.V., Consumentenbond, Fourtress B.V., ICT Automatisering B.V., Océ-Technologies B.V., Omron Europe B.V., Oracle Nederland B.V., Koninklijke Philips N.V., Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Qbit Cyber Security, Secura B.V., Siemens Nederland N.V., Signify Netherlands B.V., Simac Techniek N.V., Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland, SURFnet B.V., Synopsys Netherlands B.V., Technolution B.V., and Verum Software Tools B.V.


More info in Dutch (Dcypher) and more information about how University of Applied Sciences Leiden is involved through the lectorate Digital Forensics & E-Discovery and their IoT Forensic lab at the HSD Campus.


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