New Members HSD Management Team

07 feb 2014
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Cooperation in the Dutch security cluster, The Hague Security Delta (HSD), is strengthened with four new members of the HSD Foundation’s management team. The new directors are representatives of TNO, Thales, the municipality of The Hague and the Ministry of Security & Justice. The tasks and responsibilities of Prof. Dr. Rob de Wijk (General Director) and Joris den Bruinen (General Secretary) remain unchanged.


The new members of the management team:

  • Ida Haisma, currently Director of Innovation Safety & Security Research at TNO, will start 15 March 2014 as full-time Operational Director at HSD. In her new job she will direct the programmes and projects of The Hague Security Delta. In addition, she will be responsible for further development of the organization and for the cooperation with the partners of HSD. 
  • Aart Jan Smits —in addition to his work as Business Development Director at Thales Netherlands—leads the security roadmap of the topsector High Tech Systems & Materials. He will focus on engaging the Government as launching customer, on strengthening the civil-military cooperation and on the position of knowledge-intensive businesses in the security cluster. 
  • Kees Slingerland is Deputy Head of the Department of Economics within the municipality of The Hague. Within HSD he will focus primarily on increasing the economic spin-off for Netherlands, in the form of employment, business visitors, international acquisition and international trade.  
  • Peter Elias is seconded from the Ministry of Security & Justice. He has extensive experience in the field of management, organizational development and strategic advice. As a liaison he forms an important link between the HSD network partners and the Ministry of Security & Justice. He will also focus on the development of a joint national agenda for innovation in security. 





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