Launch of PACT project HSD Campus - Connecting Intermediate Vocational Education (MBO) and Cyber Security Job Market

21 juni 2016
Auteur: HSD Foundation


On June 21st the official launch of Partners in @ction for Cyber Talent (P@CT) took place at the HSD campus. Minister Bussemaker (Education, Culture & Science) announced in May that the project will receive a total of 1.5 million. A large part of the funding comes from the Regionaal Investeringsfonds MBO (regional investment fund intermediate vocational education). The funding will be used to cross bridges between intermediate vocational education (MBO) and the security job market. For example ROC Mondriaan will start a MBO cyber security education programme in The Hague. P@CT is one of the two projects initiated by ROC Mondriaan and a cooperation between the government, the city of The Hague and trade and industry in The Hague. A total of 1.5 million, with 1 million coming from cooperating partners and the City of the Hague (€ 380.000,-), and 0,5 million from the Ministery is going to be invested in the coming few years. P@CT is going to be part of the infrastructure of The Hague Security Delta. Alongside the Cyber Security Academy and the Centre of Expertise Cyber Security (De Haagse Hogeschool), which are dedicated to higher education, P@CT will concentrate on the missing link between the intermediate vocational education and the job market. This is one of the pilars for the human capital agenda of HSD and a great result of the triple helix cooperation within the Dutch security cluster.  


You can read more about this project here.  

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