Call for Interest: Partners for International Business Singapore

12 mrt 2018
Auteur: HSD Foundation

In November 2017, a Dutch delegation of businesses and governments active in the field of Blockchain and Financial Technology (FinTech) traveled to Singapore to take part in a number of events and some bilateral meetings with government agencies on these topics. For a large number of participants, this visit was fruitful and laid the foundation for developing a more structured approach for future cooperation with Singapore in the field of emergent technologies.


As announced during the HSD Café ‘security challenges surrounding Blockchain’ on 30January 2018, the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, TNO, the Netherlands Embassy in Singapore, various Blockchain pilots and the HSD Office are exploring the possibility of starting a Partners for International Business (PIB) programme from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). This 3-year programme aims to position leading Dutch sectors in opportunity rich markets abroad.


The intended PIB Singapore 'Emergent Technologies' will have Blockchain as its primary focus and include Dutch government, businesses and knowledge institutions. At the moment, an inventory is being made of those businesses that would like to contribute to this programme. Businesses occupying themselves with Blockchain and other emergent technologies can indicate their interest and commitment by getting into contact with HSD Office and answering a short questionnaire.


For more information on the PIB Singapore ‘Emergent Technologies’ and the short questionnaire, please contact Rik Schiffelers via

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