The Ministry of Defence is indispensable in a world of turmoil. The Ministry protects all that we, as a nation, cherish. The Ministry fights for a world of freedom and security, because they believe that everyone has the right to live in such a world. This is their mission, and it’s also the reason that they participate in missions.
Many who choose to work for the Ministry of Defence do so because they want to make a difference for our country. It is a choice that has a real impact on us, on our families and on our friends. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Defence will lay their lives on the line.
The Netherlands is the Ministry's base - thus, the Ministry will always defend our country. It is in our Kingdom’s interest that other countries are stable. That is why the Ministry works to secure peace, freedom and security both in the Netherlands and far beyond our borders. After all, our freedom begins with the freedom of others.
The armed forces take action when dialogue has reached its limits. The Ministry prefers to help to prevent war, conflict and injustice. Where possible, the Ministry does so without violence. But if necessary, the Ministry intervenes with due force. Because sometimes words need to be backed up by force. That means that the Ministry fights for freedom where turmoil reigns, and where it is peaceful, the Ministry keeps the peace. Where disasters occur, the Ministry offers help.
The Ministry of Defence cannot do this alone. The Ministry does their job shoulder to shoulder with allies within the Netherlands and abroad. The Ministry helps each other. Together, the Ministry carries out missions professionally, united by the same mission.
As long as war, turmoil, conflict, piracy and terror exist in the world, the armed forces are indispensable. Because if the Ministry doesn’t do it, who will?
Activities within Security Delta

Open Call for Quantum Challenges Issued by Ministry of Defence

Ministry of Defence to Host Market Consultation Framework Agreement Universities

Defense Invests €100 Million in SecFund to Increase Innovative Power of Dutch Startups

New HSD Partner RAND Europe Opens Office in The Netherlands

NWO Awards Funding to Projects Aimed at Collaboration Between Humans and (Semi-)Autonomous Systems

HSD Advisory Board Welcomes Four New Members

Results Human Capital Agenda Security 2019-2022

Announcement: Cybersecurity for Digital Resilience (KIC)

Symposium Space, Data and Intelligence Explores Innovations for a Safer Netherlands

Headquarters NATO Innovation Fund Settles in The Netherlands

Military AI in Focus During REAIM Summit in the Hague

ELSA Lab Defence for Responsible AI Usage Officially Launched

The HSD Expert Round Table NIS2 & OT-security

RVO's SBIR Enters Phase 2 with 5 Selected Winners

Hackathon for Good 2022 Opens Call for Challenges

Largest Cyber-Attack Exercise NATO Puts Systems Under Pressure

Red Teaming will Become Standard at Dutch Government in 2025

AI Peace Palace

Two ELSA Labs on 'Human-Centered AI for an Inclusive Society - Towards an Ecosystem of Trust'

New Designers Winner of Hackathon for Good 2021

Update: Activities Human Capital Agenda Security 2019-2022

NAIN-Consortium Publishes Report About State of Dutch Language Technologies

Consortia Prepare for NWA Synergy Programma Call on AI at HSD Campus

SBIR Call: €1.5 Million Available for Automated Vulnerability Research & Crypto Communication

Open Source Data Diode

The Netherlands’ National Growth Fund Awards the Dutch AI Coalition with 276 Million Euros to Accelerate the Opportunities of AI

Data Science Initiative Recap

Strategische Kennis- en Innovatieagenda Defensie 2021-2025

NWO Call KIC Mission Data and Intelligence: Up to €3 Million per Project(Consortium)

Open-Source Development in a Governmental Playing Field

One Conference 2020: e-Magazine

Market Consultation “Open Source Cyber Product Development”

Opportunities For Cybersecurity Talent in Times of COVID-19

State Secretary Knops Visits HSD

Tech Against Corona Initiative Offers Help to (Local) Government and Healthcare

Help First Responders during Pandemic Situations together with NATO and Ministry of Defence

Tech Against Corona Initiative Kicks-Off

HSD Partner Initiatives in Times of COVID-19

Holland Pavilion at RSA Conference 2020 Presents the Dutch

NWA Call: € 8.1 Million Available for Cybersecurity Research by Consortia

Join the Odyssey Hackathon 2020!

Flight Safety Increased at all Air Bases in The Netherlands

Doubling of Investments in Innovation to 4,9 Billion Euros

Opportunities and Threats of New Technologies for Our Digital Economy

Calls: Purple Nectar 2020 (Ministry of Defence) and Shuttle PCP Project (NFI)

WRR report emphasizes importance of preparation for digital disruption

Call for Papers NISA International Conference 2019 in The Hague

"The Impact of an Open Source Data Diode is Enormous"

DRIVER+ Project Conducts Another Successful Trial in The Hague

Launched: Human Capital Agenda Security 2019-2022

Call for participation: Mission Driven Innovation Policy

Dutch Cabinet Launches Mission Driven Top Sectors and Innovation Policy

Results Human Capital Action Agenda Cyber Security 2016-2018

Ministry of Defence Procures Open Source Data Diode Demonstrator

Join the Security Innovation Competition 2019! €200.000 Available For New Ideas

Missions As a Solution to Societal Challenges

KVK Business Challenge Hi-tech: HTC parking & security - Electronic Checkpoint

Special Offer for HSD Community to Attend TUS Expo Europe 2019

Consultative Session “Open Source Data Diode” Demonstrator with Ministry of Defence

Ministry of Defence Increases Budget for Cyber Research

Visit Ministry of Defence

Dutch Government Makes Extra Funding Available for Countering Cybercrime

Real Time Intelligence (RTI) Lab Programme

Historical Day for European Defence

Terrorism Drill in Capital of the Netherlands

Results International Cybersecurity Summer School 2017

Internet of Things Forensic Lab Started at HSD Campus

Satellite Observation for Innovative Security Solutions

Recap Cyber Security Week 2017

Dutch Firebrigade, Police and Ministry of Defence Sign Declaration to Cooperate in Training & Testing Deployment of Drones During Incidents

Talentscout during International Cyber Security Summer School

Defense Innovation Competition: €200,000 Available for Cyber Innovations

Market Consultation for New Dutch Integrated Control Room System

Security Innovation Competition 2017: Submit Before 4 September

European visit of Secure Societies for 'Group of 6' meeting

Cyber Security Week: Together we Secure the Future

Registration Open: International Cyber Security Summer School 2017

Dutch Scientific Council for Governmental Policy Urges to Establish a National Security Plan

Announced: 3rd International Cyber Security Summer School (by NATO, Europol, Ministry of Defence and HSD)

Plan for Smarter Border Security Winner 'Security Innovation Competition 2016'

Defence Innovation Competition: €200.000 for the Winner

200,000 euros Available for Innovative Big Data Security Solutions

HSD Partner Thales Builds Cyber Range for Defence

Introduction Guide Safely Digital Enterprising Released

VIC 2015: The Five Finalists are Announced

Notice: Security Innovation Competition for SMEs

Expected soon: Second round of multi-million funding for scientific research in cyber security

3.2 Million Euro for Cyber Security Research

Newspaper FD about Cyber Security and HSD