Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team

HSD Foundation consists of the supervisory board, board/general director and the HSD Office. An advisory board advises the general director on the thematic programming in which the foundation is involved and on its substantive strategic course.

Supervisory Board

The supervisory board supervise on the goals, the general operational management and on the director of HSD Foundation. Furthermore, they advise and support the director.

Arie Jan de Waard (Supervision/Board National Maritime Museum & SAIL Amsterdam and former Ministry of Defense)
Arie Jan de Waard (Supervision/Board National Maritime Museum & SAIL Amsterdam and former Ministry of Defense)
Chairman with focus on government connections
Marjolein Jansen
Marjolein Jansen (Ministry of BZK, former Kadaster & VU Amsterdam)
Linking pin between developments in the public & knowledge domains and the programming of HSD
Jaap Wielaart
Jaap Wielaart (Amarijn, former Rabobank region DH)
Focus on operations of HSD Foundation, including its finances

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board, established on 8 April 2019, advises the General Director on the thematic programming in which the foundation is involved and on its substantive strategic course. The members are appointed on personal title.

Erwin Muller
Erwin Muller (Chairman)
Dean, Chair and Professor at Leiden University
Erik Ploegmakers
Erik Ploegmakers
Christine Foekens
Christine Foekens
Sr. Policy Advisor Knowledge & Innovation, Ministry of Defense
Berry Vetjens
Berry Vetjens
Director IT and innovations TNO
Jessica Conquet
Jessica Conquet
Chairman Platform for Information Security (PvIB) and Global CISO bij Randstad (Diemen)
Inald Lagendijk
Inald Lagendijk
Bijzonder hoogleraar Computing-based Society, TU Delft
Rutger Leukfeldt
Rutger Leukfeldt
Lector Cyber Security, Haagse Hogeschool
Lokke Moerel
Lokke Moerel
Professor of Global ICT Law Tilburg University, Senior Of Counsel at Morrison & Foerster LLP, and member of the Dutch Cyber Security Council
Michiel Zwinkels
Michiel Zwinkels
Hoofdofficier van justitie van het Functioneel Parket, Openbaar Ministerie
Adriaan van Dorp
Adriaan van Dorp
Managing Director Security & Integrity Management, ABN AMRO

HSD Office

As an independent organisation, HSD Office accelerates and facilitates the Dutch security cluster. To do so, we work closely together with our strategic partners, including InnovationQuarter, RVO, Chamber of Commerce, NFIA and the Municipality of The Hague.

Joris den Bruinen
Joris den Bruinen
General Director, Board
Saskia Noordewier
Saskia Noordewier
Deputy Director
Pranay Ramlakhan
Pranay Ramlakhan
Financial Controller (ad interim)
Mark Ruijsendaal
Mark Ruijsendaal
Programme Director, Deputy Head Innovation
Mira van Benthem
Mira van Benthem
Innovation Liaison
Anne Visser
Anne Visser
Programmamanager Cybersecurity- en Weerbaarheid
Michelle Holthuizen
Michelle Holthuizen
Programmacoördinator - Cyberweerbaarheid
Netania Engelbrecht
Netania Engelbrecht
Community Manager / Innovation Liaison
Paul Coumans
Paul Coumans
Junior Innovation Liaison
Josephine van Luik
Josephine van Luik
Junior Community Manager - Cyberweerbaarheid
Benjamin Kabel
Benjamin Kabel
Innovation Liaison Intern
Carlijn Müller
Carlijn Müller
Innovation Liaison Intern
Alexandra Hattink
Alexandra Hattink
Innovation Liaison Intern
Stef Liethoff
Stef Liethoff
Innovation Liaison (ad interim)
Frank van Summeren
Frank van Summeren
Innovation Liaison (ad interim)
Chantal de Niet
Chantal de Niet
Communication Manager
Linda Muilwijk
Linda Muilwijk
(Acting) Senior Communication Advisor
Eurydice van Coblijn
Eurydice van Coblijn
Senior Communication Advisor
Linus Verloop
Linus Verloop
Communication Advisor
Kirsten de Jonge
Kirsten de Jonge
Communication Intern
Tim Smit
Tim Smit
Office Manager/ HR-Officer
Rhizlane el Ghamarti
Rhizlane el Ghamarti