Train or RandstadRail
Train or RandstadRail
Both the train and the RandstadRail connect at The Hague Laan van NOI station. The RandstadRail includes lines 3 and 4 that connect The Hague with Zoetermeer, and the Erasmus line that connects The Hague with Rotterdam.
When you arrive at The Hague Laan van NOI station walk towards the Ministry of SZW. At the exit, turn left immediately and follow the path for 200 meters until you arrive at the Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg.
You can find the HSD Campus in the first silver colored building (named HeadQuarter) on your left hand.
Bus or Tram
Tram 2, buslijn 5 and 23 (stop station Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië),
Tram 6 (stop Oostinje),
Bus 28 (stop Stuyvesantstraat),
Bus 45, 380, 382, 383 (stop Haagse Poort).
By car
By car
From Rotterdam: A13, A4, A12.
From Amsterdam: A4, A12 of A44.
From Utrecht: A12.
Upon arrival in The Hague from the A12 (Utrechtsebaan) take exit 3 Bezuidenhout-Mariahoeve. At the traffic light turn right. At the next traffic light continue straight ahead. At the next traffic lights, turn right onto the Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg. At the end, before the sharp turn to the left, you will see the entrance of the HSD Campus on your right (building named 'HeadQuarter').
From Amsterdam/Leiden, via de A44/N44: Follow the signs to The Hague (Den Haag).In The Hague (Willem Witsenplein) turn left in the direction of Voorburg-Leidschendam. At Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indie at the traffic lights, before passing the railway-bridge and the gas station BP, turn right on Schenkkade. At the next traffic light left, and short thereafter at the next traffic lights go straight ahead (Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg). At the end, before the sharp turn to the left, you will find the entrance to the HSD Campus on your right (building named 'HeadQuarter').
Unfortunately there is only limited parking available at the HSD Campus. We therefore recommend visiting us by public transport.
If you do travel by car, there are paid parking places available
If you do travel by car, the following parking garages are available near the HSD Campus:
- Parkbee: Anna van Hannoverstraat 4. Pre-register via Parkbee to gain access.
- Q-Park Park&Ride Train Station Laan van NOI: Van Alphenstraat 102, 2274 NE Voorburg.
- Parking garage WTC/ NH Hotel: Pr. Marijkestraat 57, 2595 AM The Hague.