Symposium Space, Data and Intelligence Explores Innovations for a Safer Netherlands

23 Mar 2023
Author: HSD Foundation

On March 23, the Symposium Space, Data and Intelligence took place at the HSD Campus in The Hague as part of the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda on Security (KIA-Security). Security is one of the four societal themes in the government's mission-driven innovation policy. Participants from companies, knowledge institutions and government organizations gained insight into the results of the Space Mission and the Data and Intelligence Mission and participated in discussions about a renewed KIA-V.

The program was opened by Annemiek Nelis of the Ministry of Justice and Security and a keynote was given by Michiel Sweers, Director of Innovation and Knowledge of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. Then the triple helix came together in a fireside chat to discuss successes and points for improvement for the future KIA-V.

Each mission showcased some successful innovation projects. For example, the Data and Intelligence mission encouraged collaboration by shaping consortia on NWO Calls, leading to the HEWSTI project. Fabio Massacci of VU Amsterdam discussed how the Hybrid Explainable Workflows for Security and Threat Intelligence (HEWSTI) project can contribute to a more secure society. Also discussed were two compelling examples from detection and surveillance where satellite data can add value as intelligence and detecting wrongdoing.

The symposium triggered a discussion on collaboration in the triple helix and how to achieve better, faster and cheaper service provision for and by government institutions.  Another subject of the creation of economic opportunities through social tasks, knowledge building by knowledge institutions and the development of innovative applications by companies.


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The speakers emphasized the need for joint innovation programming by knowledge institutions, companies and government organizations to advance the security field and create a safer and more resilient Netherlands.


To learn more about public-private collaboration within the triple helix, watch the InnovatieHelixTV interview with HSD director Joris den Bruinen:




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