HSD Model for Security Innovation

HSD Model for Security Innovation

This model describes the vision, method and instruments HSD uses in setting up, pursuing and supporting triple helix collaborations between businesses, knowledge institutions and governments for innovative security solutions.

VoorkantSecurity is an important social and economic sector; innovation and job creation are two sides of the same coin. However, the security field can be very complex. Information is often classified, governments take on both the role as co-designer and practitioner – leading to a difficult relation with private sector organisations – and in many cases demand is fragmented. Therefore, a prerequisite for success is that businesses, knowledge institutions and the government are jointly and ambitiously committed to creating social and economic gain.


This so-called triple helix collaboration is necessary, but cannot be taken for granted. Cooperation must grow, cooperation must be learned. The purpose of this report is to describe what organisations can expect from working together within and with Security Delta. HSD is the network/platform as a whole, but sometimes also a group of specific partners within this network as well as HSD Office, which in itself is a ‘networked organisation’. Flexibility and versatility of connections are some of HSD’s key strengths.


The HSD Model for Security Innovation was developed by the HSD Innovation Liaison team and the author Frank Bekkers – also the co-author of the National Innovation Agenda for Security and Director of the Security Programme at HSD Premium Partner The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS). Special thanks goes out to the expert group that contributed to the development of the model.



The brochure starts with a brief description of what triple helix cooperation in the security domain entails. Based on this concept, it focuses on how partners within the HSD network can shape and activate such collaboration. The HSD Model for Security Innovation describes four stages in the development of triple helix cooperation:


(1) Exploration and Demand Articulation

In stage 1, Exploration and Demand Articulation, the demand for an innovative security solution and the opportunities to come to this solution within the triple helix become clear.

(2) Consortium Formation

In Consortium Formation (2), the triple helix parties find each other and make arrangements on how to work together.

(3) Operating Consortium

During the Operating Consortium stage (3), the cooperating parties develop and test the innovative solution.

(4) Harvest

Finally, in the Harvest stage (4), the parties actually present their new solution and, where possible, market it nationally and internationally.


These stages intersect; sometimes it is necessary to revert to an earlier stage in order to develop a sustainable partnership and solution. For each stage an overview of available instruments is presented.


The HSD Model for Security Innovation brochure is available here (in Dutch).


More information?

For more information about the HSD Model for Security Innovation you can contact info@securitydelta.nl.