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- Trend snippet: Only 27% of organizations are currently using multi-factor authentication (MFA)
Trends in Security Information
The HSD Trendmonitor is designed to provide access to relevant content on various subjects in the safety and security domain, to identify relevant developments and to connect knowledge and organisations. The safety and security domain encompasses a vast number of subjects. Four relevant taxonomies (type of threat or opportunity, victim, source of threat and domain of application) have been constructed in order to visualize all of these subjects. The taxonomies and related category descriptions have been carefully composed according to other taxonomies, European and international standards and our own expertise.
In order to identify safety and security related trends, relevant reports and HSD news articles are continuously scanned, analysed and classified by hand according to the four taxonomies. This results in a wide array of observations, which we call ‘Trend Snippets’. Multiple Trend Snippets combined can provide insights into safety and security trends. The size of the circles shows the relative weight of the topic, the filters can be used to further select the most relevant content for you. If you have an addition, question or remark, drop us a line at info@securitydelta.nl.
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Only 27% of organizations are currently using multi-factor authentication (MFA)
Although presenting a tsunami of infrastructure change that can be challenging to implement, digital transformation continues to present itself as an opportunity for IT and security leaders to innovate and gain competitive advantage.
Security practitioners are embracing advanced technologies and approaches, from artificial intelligence and machine learning, to securely implementing DevOps and micro- segmentation. And as we all know, multi-cloud environments continue to be prevalent.
Given the dynamic nature of this environment, security professionals need to not only master the basics, but also stay current with the newer technologies available to them . Arguably, some of these newer technologies should become a staple in your security ecosystem — even if they aren't currently.
For example, we see that in this age of digital ubiquity, only 27% of organizations are currently using multi-factor authentication (MFA). This number is low for such a valuable zero-trust technology. Survey respondents from the following countries showed the highest adoption rates of MFA in this order: USA, China, Italy, India, Germany, and the UK. The industries with the highest adoption rates (in this order) are software development, financial services, government, retail, manufacturing, and telecommunications.