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- Trend snippet: Increased mobility causes cybersecurity risks
Trends in Security Information
The HSD Trendmonitor is designed to provide access to relevant content on various subjects in the safety and security domain, to identify relevant developments and to connect knowledge and organisations. The safety and security domain encompasses a vast number of subjects. Four relevant taxonomies (type of threat or opportunity, victim, source of threat and domain of application) have been constructed in order to visualize all of these subjects. The taxonomies and related category descriptions have been carefully composed according to other taxonomies, European and international standards and our own expertise.
In order to identify safety and security related trends, relevant reports and HSD news articles are continuously scanned, analysed and classified by hand according to the four taxonomies. This results in a wide array of observations, which we call ‘Trend Snippets’. Multiple Trend Snippets combined can provide insights into safety and security trends. The size of the circles shows the relative weight of the topic, the filters can be used to further select the most relevant content for you. If you have an addition, question or remark, drop us a line at info@securitydelta.nl.
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Increased mobility causes cybersecurity risks
Employees accessing cloud applications from corporate and private devices when off network is creating a lack of visibility and control that network and security administrators haven’t faced. And a wave of IoT devices will add to wireless networking requirements in terms of scale, different traffic patterns, and security.
According to the Cisco “VNI Forecast Highlights Tool,” global business mobile data traffic will grow sixfold from 2017 to 2022 at an annual growth rate of 42%.12 Business mobile users will continue to expect immediate and high- performance connectivity anywhere, anytime, and on any device over Wi-Fi and public 4G and 5G networks. At the same time, wireless IoT devices will become increasingly ubiquitous in all aspects of our lives.
Employees accessing cloud applications from corporate and private devices when off network is creating a lack of visibility and control that network and security administrators haven’t faced. And a wave of IoT devices will add to wireless networking requirements in terms of scale, different traffic patterns, and security.