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- Trend snippet: Employees' home network is the weak spot for companies: Three out of ten people who work from home still have the default password on their router
Trends in Security Information
The HSD Trendmonitor is designed to provide access to relevant content on various subjects in the safety and security domain, to identify relevant developments and to connect knowledge and organisations. The safety and security domain encompasses a vast number of subjects. Four relevant taxonomies (type of threat or opportunity, victim, source of threat and domain of application) have been constructed in order to visualize all of these subjects. The taxonomies and related category descriptions have been carefully composed according to other taxonomies, European and international standards and our own expertise.
In order to identify safety and security related trends, relevant reports and HSD news articles are continuously scanned, analysed and classified by hand according to the four taxonomies. This results in a wide array of observations, which we call ‘Trend Snippets’. Multiple Trend Snippets combined can provide insights into safety and security trends. The size of the circles shows the relative weight of the topic, the filters can be used to further select the most relevant content for you. If you have an addition, question or remark, drop us a line at info@securitydelta.nl.
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Employees' home network is the weak spot for companies: Three out of ten people who work from home still have the default password on their router
Most Dutch people also do not have a clear picture of what safe online behavior means at work (57%) or in a private situation (52%). The corona crisis has forced more people to work from home. 48% of working Dutch people indicate that they have worked from home in the past 12 months. They often use a network connection with a password at home (78%). This password still appears to be the default password of the router relatively often (29%). Employees are often unable to state what their employer has done about special measures to make working from home possible since the corona crisis (57%). 16% indicate that his / her employer has made business equipment available.
Door het hele onderzoek heen zien we dat het voorkomen van online risico’s scherper wordt gemonitord en nageleefd in de werksituatie dan in de privé-situatie. Bedrijven doen er veel aan om de online veiligheid op orde te hebben. Maar nu met het massale thuiswerken zou het thuisnetwerk en de thuissituatie wel eens de achilleshiel van het bedrijfsnetwerk kunnen worden; routerpaswoorden worden niet aangepast en kinderen maken gebruik van bedrijfshardware.
De meeste Nederlanders hebben ook geen duidelijk beeld wat veilig online gedrag op werk inhoud (57%) of in een privésituatie (52%). Door de coronacrisis hebben meer mensen thuis moeten werken. 48% van de werkende Nederlanders geeft aan in de afgelopen 12 maanden thuis te hebben gewerkt. Zij maken thuis vaak gebruik van een netwerkverbinding met wachtwoord (78%). Dit wachtwoord blijkt nog relatief vaak het standaardwachtwoord te zijn van de router (29%). Werknemers kun vaak niet benoemen wat hun werkgever heeft gedaan aan speciale maatregelingen om thuiswerken sinds de coronacrisis mogelijk te maken (57%). 16% geeft aan dat zijn/haar werkgever bedrijfsapparatuur tot de beschikking heeft gesteld.