Knowledge Exchange in Stuttgart and Munich during PIB Germany Visit

26 apr 2024
Auteur: HSD Foundation

From 23 to 25 April, Partners In Business (PIB) Germany visited Stuttgart and Munich. The visit is dedicated to the celebration of King's Day. The aim of the event was to bring together Dutch and German organisations and to stimulate collaboration and exchanges of knowledge in the field of cybersecurity. At the same time, C-suite decision-makers were able to gain relevant insights into the most important cybersecurity areas and developments.


The event kicked off on Tuesday evening with a dinner, where Sebastian Schreiber of Syss gave an engaging demonstration on hacking various hardware. He also shared valuable insights on doing business in Germany.


Wednesday started off with a general introduction by Thomas Neumann (KIT-Gründerschmiede) and Alexander Graf & Kamelia Maleschlijski (StartUpSecure KASTEL). This was followed up by several presentations of the ecosystem:

  • IHK Karlsruhe, Marc Mühleck
  • EnBW Cyber Security, Klaus-Jürgen Schilling
  • Steinbeis Europa, Fredy Riós Silva & Steve Bageritz
  • WIBU Systems, Dr. Tamara Högler

The delegation visited Karlsruhe, where Startup Secure Kastel and KIT Kastel are located. After a series of interesting presentations and networking moments, the delegation headed to Stuttgart Chamber of Commerce, where a roundtable with local stakeholders took place on the challenges of cybersecurity for SMEs. Discussions were held on finding the right cybersecurity solutions, and how SMEs can best be helped on this topic. The day's programme ended with the King's Day reception at the Consulate of the Netherlands in Stuttgart, to which local entrepreneurs were also invited.


Schermafbeelding 2024 04 26 om 11.08.28


On Thursday, the delegation arrived in Munich, where a presentation was given by Heussen on German legislation. Specific attention was given to local regulations and what to consider when starting business activities in the region. Afterwards, a roundtable took place focused specifically on the healthcare sector. In Germany too, the healthcare sector faces challenges around cyber security, and the PIB members were able to exchange ideas and insights on this topic with the attendees. The visit ended at the Dutch consulate in Munich, where a Kings Day celebration also took place. It was very valuable for the PIB to be back in Munich to maintain the various relationships.


PIB Germany

Partners for International Business (PIB) Germany is an initiative of Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) commissioned by Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Driving the PIB initiative forward are Security Delta (HSD) and InnovationQuarter in close collaboration with Consulaat-Generaal van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in München, Businessclub Deutschland – Niederlande and RVO. This particular event was also made possible by The Bristol Group and DNHK (Duits-Nederlandse Handelskamer).  


You can find more information on PIB Cybersecurity Germany here.  



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