dcypher (dutch cybersecurity platform higher education and research) unites researchers, teachers, manufacturers, users and policy makers in the Netherlands, involved in the cybersecurity domain, to contribute to agenda setting of research and education in this domain.
Connecting education and research on cyber security
dcypher offers an overview of the supply of higher education on cybersecurity and makes connections between stakeholders from the public and private sectors of higher education and research. In addition dcypher will exchange and facilitate the strengthening of knowledge and ensure a bottom-up scheduling of cyber security research. This means that the research and education agendas will be made after broad consultation with the field (knowledge and educational institutions - enterprises - government).
Strengthening education and research on cyber security
dcypher wants to ensure that the number of cyber security specialists grows and more students in higher education enroll in relevant curricula with a successful completion. This calls for strengthening cyber security research groups and more and better trained teachers. Also curricula in higher education and cybersecurity professional profiles should better reflect the needs of the market. Finally, strong international coalitions are needed and more innovations resulting from cyber security research.
About the founders of dcypher
dcypher is the answer to the objective of the National Cyber Security Strategy (NCSS2): "The Netherlands has sufficient cyber security knowledge and skills and invests in ICT innovation to attain cyber security objectives ". The Dutch Ministries of Security & Justice, Economic Affairs, Education Culture & Science and The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), department Physical Sciences (EW) founded the platform that will be led by Jan Piet Barthel, seconded by NWO. A broad-based Advisory Board will guarantee support and content.
The ICT Innovation Platform Security and Privacy (IIP-VV), a public-private partnership that focused on the agenda of research into security and privacy is fully incorporated into dcypher.
Activiteiten binnen Security Delta

€10.5 Million Awarded for Cybersecurity and Digital Resilience

Call for Startups: Join New Cybersecurity Incubation Programmes

Agenda Cybersecurity Technologies

National Technology Strategy Integrates Agenda Cybersecurity Technologies

The Future of Human Capital in Cybersecurity

SBIR-call: Autonomous IT/OT Security

SBIR-call: Autonomous Threat Information Sharing

Dutch Delegation Visits InCyber Europe Forum (FIC) 2024

29 Cybersecurity Research Initiatives and Matchmaking Session for NWO Call: ‘Cybersecurity for Digital Resilience (KIC)'

NL Missions on Cyber Security and Digitalisation to Singapore

One Conference e-Magazine 2023

Collective Action Required to Solve Shortage of Cyber and Security Talent

Results Human Capital Agenda Security 2019-2022

Announcement: Cybersecurity for Digital Resilience (KIC)

HRH Prince Constantijn van Oranje Opens Dutch Cybersecurity Pavilion at RSAC 2023

Decrypting Cybersecurity in the Netherlands

Cybersecurity Trade Mission RSA Conference (US): Meet the Participants

Shefali Razdan Duggal, U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands Visits HSD Campus

Top Sectors Bundle Innovative Power in CS4NL

One Conference 2022: e-Magazine

Call: ONE Conference Innovation Expo

Challenge the Cyber 2022 to Take Place 14 May in The Hague

Challenge the Cyber 2022: Training Mission

Update: Activities Human Capital Agenda Security 2019-2022

One Conference 2021: e-Magazine

Call: Dutch Cyber Security best Research Papers 2021

Registration One Conference 2021 Now Open

Special Take-off Round for Cyber Security Research

Join Capture the Flag Competition: Challenge the Cyber!

International Collaboration Against DDoS Attacks

About a Challenge and a Bicycle in the Mailbox

WIFS 2019 Call for Demos on Forensics and Security

Team University of Twente Winner Capture the Flag Event

Three Projects of HSD Partners Nominated for Computable Awards 2019

National Initiative for IoT & Cyber Security Receives Funding

Launched: Human Capital Agenda Security 2019-2022

Results Human Capital Action Agenda Cyber Security 2016-2018

NWO National Cyber Security Call Offers 5,5 Million Euros of Funding

NWO National Cybersecurity Call Coming Up

Launch of the 3rd National Cyber Security Research Agenda

Final Stage of the New Digital Security Research Agenda

New Research Agenda: The Human Factor in Cyber Crime and Cyber Security

Publication ‘Human Capital Agenda Cyber Security’ and updated website Securitytalent.nl

Alert Online & Raising Cyber Security Awareness

Call for Submissions - Tender SBIR Cybersecurity

Get a Better Understanding of Cyber Security During Summer School

NCSC Launches dcypher: Dutch Cybersecurity Platform for Higher Education and Research

Kickoff Joint Projects NL-USA: Online and Mobile Security