Final Stage of the New Digital Security Research Agenda

19 apr 2018
Auteur: HSD Foundation

On 5 June, the third edition of the National Cyber Security Research Agenda (NCSRA-III) will be presented. On Thursday 12 April, cyber security researchers and experts from universities, government institutions and companies discussed the final refinements to this new research agenda in the area of digital security. 


The 90 participants included many academic researchers, but also experts from industry (including Philips, KPN, NXP, Secura and Rabobank) and representatives from government ministries, TNO, the Dutch police and the Dutch judiciary. The NCSRA-III is subdivided into five pillars: better design, better defense, better organisation, better understanding of attacks, and improved privacy.


"One example of the difference between the new agenda and the previous edition is that we now pay more attention to the psychological aspects of cyber security, for example the change of behaviour;

we no longer examine just the technical aspects", said Wim Hafkamp, Chief Information Security Officer at Rabobank.


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All comments and remarks made during the discussion afternoon will be carefully considered, concludes Jan Piet Barthel, director of dcypher (the Dutch Cybersecurity Platform Higher Education and Research), the organiser of the discussion afternoon. On 5 June, the third edition of the National Cyber Security Research Agenda will be presented at press centre Nieuwspoort in The Hague.



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