3.2 Million Euro for Cyber Security Research

22 apr 2013
Auteur: HSD Foundation

As part of the long-term research programme 'Cyber Security' of the Netherlands Institute for Scientific Research (NWO), financed by NOW-EW and STW, nine projects get a funding of 3.2 million euro's.
This fund is part of the first investment round initiated by the ministries of Security & Justice, Foreign Affairs, Defense, Economic Affairs and NWO itself. HSD Partner IIPVV will be initiating the second round of this program, where again research topics will be selected for investment.


The nine research topics are as follows:


  • OpenSesame: opening backdoors on embedded devices
  • Visualization and deep protocol analysis to detect cyber espionage and targeted malware
  • Cyber Crime Offender Profiling: The Human Factor Examined
  • The personal information security assistant (PISA)
  • Profiling for Optical Fault Induction using Location-dependent leakage
  • Privacy Compliance and Enforcement (PriCE)
  • Learning Extended State Machines for Malware Analysis (LEMMA)
  • Reputation Metrics Design to Improve Intermediary Incentives for Security
  • Re-Cover: The Power of Obfuscation

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