Talentscout during International Cyber Security Summer School

21 aug 2017
Auteur: HSD Foundation

From 20-25 August, the International Cyber Security Summer School (ICSSS) takes place in The Hague. A group of almost sixty students from The Netherlands and abroad join classes on the most current topics in cyber security. Meanwhile they are challenged to work on new solutions that contribute to making the internet a more secure place. Aim of the summer school is to share knowledge and create cyber security talents of the future. 

Various national and international organisations are facing a major challenge. Recruiting new talent is difficult in the current labour market that is characterised by a lack of available talent. In addition cyber security knowledge is becoming increasingly significant in other sectors than ICT. To deal with this increasing demand, The Hague Security Delta together with Europol, The Netherlands Ministry of Defence Cyber Command, NATO Communications & Information Agency (NCIA), Leiden University and the Dutch Innovation Factory, took the initiative to organise the ICSSS for the third year in a row.

In depth knowledge sharing
From Monday through Friday the students will be introduced to the partner organisations and follow an intensive programme consisting of the latest insights in cyber security. The programme will focus on the technical aspects of cyber security but also touch on legal and policy related cyber security issues. Aside from receiving lectures, the students will work on assignments in which they are challenged to come up with innovative solutions to current cyber security issues. The assignments are related to topics like next generation firewalls, cryptocurrencies and the darkweb, password policies, and cyber risk. During the programme the students are being watch with close attention by the involved organisations as they share their latest insights with the group.

Richard Franken, Executive Director The Hague security Delta: “The demand for new cyber security talent is high and urgent. Our society depence on the digital safety a lot. Without the influx of new young talent our digital safety is at risk. Aside from that the IT sector is growing rapidly. The newly created jobs need to be filled. Not just by the numbers but also with the experience to match the required knowledge. This is why educational programmes like this summer school are so important. This particular summer school is part of the HSD Human Capital Agenda. For this agenda we work together with many partners to improve the connection between education and employers and attract more talent to the cyber security domain.”

Cyber Security Week 2017
A month after the International Cyber Security Summer School, the Cyber Security Week 2017 (CSW17) will start. From 25 to 29 September more than 70 events related to cyber security will take place in The Hague. Topic of the first day of the CSW17 is 'access to talent'. Both events are being held in The Hague, international city of peace, justice and security and cybersecurity capital of Europe.


Read the pdfpress release in Dutch.

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