Tech Against Corona Initiative Offers Help to (Local) Government and Healthcare
Within the 'Tech against Corona' Initiative, Dutch tech companies offers free support for the government and healthcare in the fight against Corona. Aim is to support governments, hospitals, care providers and health workers with the knowledge, skills and technologies of the participating tech companies and expert networks.
The initiative offers a platform where supply and demand come together and are coordinated. This should lead to concrete and feasible collaborations between government agencies and tech companies.
Various ministries are also involved, including the Ministries of Justice & Security, Defense, VWS and Economic Affairs & Climate.
The participating tech companies vary in size and expertise. They therefore make various services available. For more information, donwload the full flyer here. Also see in this
infographic how the participating companies help eachother and collaborate together. It gives an extensive overview of the possibilities of how they can provide help.
The participating companies & cyber networks are now: AFCEA NL, Axionomic, BTG, Cisco, Compumatica, Conclusion, Cybersprint, Cyber-safe Netherlands, CybExerTechnologies - Tallinn and The Hague, DCWC Dutch CyberWarfare Community, DesktopToWork, Disaster-proof, Wire, DTACT, Glow and Partners, HSD, Iristrace, KPN, Microsoft, Public Sonar, Q Share, Startpage, Traxion and Tymlez / The Value Engineers.
Tech Against Corona is an initiative of Elisabeth van der Steenhoven & Public Matters
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