Selected Scale-ups Announced for Cybersecurity Globaliser 2021

12 feb 2021
Auteur: HSD Foundation

DutchBasecamp has announced the seven scale-ups that have been selected for the 2021 cohort of the Cybersecurity Globaliser, organised in collaboration with InnovationQuarter and supported by HSD. The Globaliser is a twelve week internationalisation readiness programme dedicated to kickstart the international expansion of (tech)scale-ups.


Cybersecurity is more relevant than ever before. In an increasingly digitised economy, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, companies need to increase their resilience against cyber threats. The Dutch cybersecurity sector has a strong reputation internationally and a growing number of Dutch scale-ups are successfully expanding internationally. 


The selected Cybersecurity scale-ups are: Awen Collective, Audittrail, Fraud Dynamics, MMOX, Smartlockr, Ubiqu and Zynyo.


Awen Collective is a software development company whose aim is to make society safer by increasing the cyber resilience of our critical national infrastructures and manufacturers.


Audittrail is a hybrid audit & consultancy and product organisation. They are specialised in security and privacy compliance and deliver CMF; the ideal tool for the privacy and security officers to be in control.


Fraud Dynamics is experienced in preventing financial crime. With the aim of preventing the cat-and-mouse game between banks and criminals, the company develops software that automatically generates fully compliant fraud / money laundering detection models that can be used within existing transaction monitoring environments.


MMOX is a Risk Based Cyber Security™ service, unburdening SME clients from the risks of cyber incidents.


Smartlockr is fighting data leaks with an intelligent and user-friendly platform. By taking out the human error and offering a user centric solution, SmartLockr takes care of your safe communication.


Ubiqu has revolutionised digital identification by adding the same level of assurance to every digital transaction, as if displaying an ID in person.


Zynyo has developed a signing service to digitalise the paper flow within the legal and administrative work processes. The Zynyo signing service is compliant with the European Electronic Identification and Trust Services act and meets the highest levels of security and privacy.


Would you like to know more about the Cybersecurity Globaliser? Click here.


Source: InnovationQuarter

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