Winners of KvK SME Hackathon start their Business Phishermen

24 mrt 2017
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Phishermen, winner of the Innovation Sensation Hackathon of the Chamber of Commerce in 2016, formally started started their company Phishermen B.V. last week. They are ready to launch their product on the market. With three students they created a great tool for organisations to protect against phishingmails.


Aim of the Hackathon was to stimulate innovation and use of data in The Netherlands and in particular in the region of The Hague. Additional benefit is now that this results in the new company Phishermen. Besides this they also were winner of the first prize at Yes Delft! Ready to Startup.


“With three compagnons we developed the product Phishermen” says Robert Carosi. “Our system simulates realistic phishing emails and gives feedback if an employee does not treat the mail in the right manner. SME's can get a view of the human factor in their security policy. With this tool companies are able to teach employees how to recognize and act on phishing emails."


About HSD

Robert Carosi: "After winning the Hackaton HSD helped us to introduce our product in the security domain. They helped us get in touch with the right organisations. In this way we gained trust in our product which helped us to start our company". 


Since last week the four students formally subscribed to the KvK-register. Their service can be tested for free at the moment. Organisations curious about their cyber resilience can test and train their personnel by sending them harmless fake pishing mail through the Phishermen service. In this way you can find out how personnel deals with suspected mails. Mission of Phishermen B.V. is to make businesses and organisations aware of the issues concerning phishing mail and to protect them in a convenient and fun way.

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