Tender Procedure on Strengthening Governmental Information Position on Security

22 mrt 2016
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The Municipality of the City of The Hague opened the tender procedure regarding how to strengthen the governmental information position on security.

Information is everywhere; public sources, registered information in various municipal systems, information in the minds of municipal employees and in CCTV systems. By connecting information sources, a governmental information position within the Municipality policies can be developed: recognising patterns and constantly following trends and developments in the city. This way, policy can be designed and enforcement capacity can be set in more focused. The Municipality of the City of The Hague is collecting input for a future research project on innovation to strengthen the governmental information position. Afterwards this procedure, the next steps will be:

-The execution of a research on the development of innovation in the field of strengthening the governmental information position through a so called ‘’Small Business Innovation
Research (SBIR)’’ course, consisting of two phases: 
1. Feasibility research
2. Prototype development
3. A European tender for a functional product  for The Municipality of The City of The Hague and Rijswijk.

The tender procedure focusses on three questions:
1. How can a better information position contribute to more security?
2. What are the most important directions to look for solutions: technology, organisation, juridical or any other field?
3. What research on technology, organisational, juridical or on any other field is required to achieve this solution?

More information can be found here.

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