TU Delft Researches Security Risks: Do Security Professionals Make Rational Choices?

29 apr 2016
Auteur: HSD Foundation

During the ASIS Security Management Congress (ASMC2016 June 9) participants can join the walk-in session Rating Security Risks: do we make rational choices by researcher Johan de Wit, PHD candidate of TU Delft Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management in the Safety and Security Science Group. In preparation for this session HSD partner TU Delft invites security professionals to participate in this research. According to de Wit, risk management is a continuous process in which we make many choices. Some examples are: what risks do we consider to be realistic? How do we assess the opportunities, vulnerabilities and consequences? How do we deal with the risks? What measures do we take?


Join this research and help the security science

Making choices about risks is making choices about uncertain/unknown events and consequences. How do security professionals make these choices? And how are/do psychological aspects influence your decision making processes? Join the research of TU Delft and help the security science.



The results of this study will be presented during the session at the ASIS Congress.

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