Results Human Capital Agenda Security 2019-2022

17 May 2023
Author: HSD Foundation

Since 2019, many organisations are executing the Human Capital Agenda Security 2019-2022, which Security Delta (HSD) has developed in close collaboration with 40+ partners. The goal of the agenda was to tackle the discrepancies in the labour market by improving the qualitative and quantitative match between demand and supply of security personnel. Because access to talent is a crucial prerequisite for the creation of innovative security solutions and the growth of the security sector. Looking back at the last four years several results were realised by the participating parties. And as a follow up, we will launch a new Human Capital Agenda Digital Security 29 June 2023. Do you want to contribute? Let us know!


Highlights results 2019-2022 

As part of the Human Capital programme, we have developed several projects and activities. Some highlights:

  • Supporting the connection between education and labour market took shape in 122 guest lectures and company visits, 173 internships were filled through P@CT and the 4TU Cyber security capstone entrepreneurship, and we helped in realising 5 career events where employers meet talent. Together with partners we trained 20 Human Resource professionals in cyber security recruitment. We helped starting 'Cyberwerf', a collaboration between several HSD partners and companies at industry park ZKD. The initiative won the Computable awards in 2019.

  • Several tools were developed to support the work that stems from the Human Capital Agenda. Our 'Security Talent-platform' has been enriched with a Career Navigator and a Dashboard of job-openings. We shared 5.427 vacancies, 612 studies per year connected to 44 job profiles. This resulted in an average of 4.112 visits per month. We launched a new where everyone can find out whether a switch to the cyber domain or a cybersecurity job enrichment is of interest for them and how to take the next step towards this exciting field. To educate entrepreneurs, specifically of small and medium sized enterprises, we to raise awareness and action against cyberthreats.
  • Together with Europol EC3, NATO’s CI Agency, Leiden University, and many other HSD partners, we organised the ‘International Cyber Security Summer School’ three times (one was cancelled due to COVID, one was online), hosted from The Hague. Together, 183 students and young professionals from 20+ nationalities attended lectures on the most current cyber security topics. They were also challenged with cases from partners to work on new solutions that make our online activities safer.

  • Several other training and education activities were supported, including the P@CT-programme that resulted in cyber education for 1.133 vocational level students and 31 lecturers trained in cybersecurity. Two new Master programs were developed and started (International Security and Cyber Security Engineering), three new courses (Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security Risks, IT Risk Management) and 4 new electives (3 on vocational level, 1 on pre-vocational level).

  • HSD Office published 11 articles about the need for talent and labour market developments and commenced and/or co-authored 4 studies to support problem analysis, policy making and practical interventions. Topics included a broader study into the education and labour market in the security domain, possibilities and requirements for using hybrid cyber security teachers, and side-entrants for cyber security functions.

  • HSD Office also joined and helped set up several regional initiatives that align with our HCA-goals such as the re-school programme We-IT (support career switchers toward IT-functions), the attraction of International Talent and Human Capital in Cybersecurity for SME’s. Programmes and initiatives elicited investments in the tackling the Human Capital challenges of €2.4 Million.

Visual Resulta HCA Security 2019 2022



Best result for the network function of HSD is the support and involvement of at least 107 organisations in realising the coordinated set of activities. We would like to thank them for their support and great cooperation in the activities and welcome them and others to contribute to the coming years. 


Follow up 

A Human Capital Agenda on Digital Security for the coming years is almost ready and will be presented on 29 June. It is developed in close cooperation with the Topsector ICT and Centre for Safety and Digitisation (CVD) and basis for further collaboration on local, regional, and national level. If you already want to contribute or support, reach out to Innovation Liaison Mark Ruijsendaal via before end of May 2023.


Thank you!



107 Organisations involved with HCA Security 1

These organisations have contributed to the HCA activities the last four years. Some organisations have since changed their names.  


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