6816 RW, Arnhem
The Institute for Safety (IFV) is the institute for disaster relief and public crisismanagement in the Netherlands. Focus is on helping the 25 safety regions if it comes to reinforcing fire services and dealing with contingency plans and crisis management.
Products and services:
All products and services of IFV relate to the following six regular key activities of the safety regions:
- Supporting policies and the administration of senior civil servants and managers.
- Developing, mediating and securing knowledge for the professional in the field.
- Facilitating and/or providing courses, trainings and exercises to become and stay qualified.
- Promoting talent and leadership development.
- Acquire, manage and incorporate equipment for the safety regions.
- Project management and (organisational)advice.
The mission of IFV IFV:
Contributes to a safer society by strengthening the safety regions and their partners in terms of professionalising their tasks. IFV develops and shares relevant knowledge, has expertise in acquiring and managing communal equipment and supports authorities and management councils in question – in line with its ‘spot and connect’ device.
- Is the connecting link between the safety regions due to its unique position (overview and support)
- Is a platform and network for knowledge development and knowledge sharing together with and between the safety regions
- Reinforces the cooperation with and between the regions and safety partners
- Offers assistance to the safety regions
- Supports managerial decision-making
- Makes aid workers better(to become and stay qualified)
- Is a shared-service organisation in several fields
- Acts on the premise of the recognisable profession.
Activiteiten binnen Security Delta

Collective Action Required to Solve Shortage of Cyber and Security Talent

Bestuurlijke bevoegdheden cyber

Kennis en Kunde voor Regionale Cybergevolgbestrijding

Cyber Crisismanagement

HSD Expert Roundtable Crisismanagement: Discussing Potential Collaboration on Scientific Evaluations of Cybercrises

New Security Council Report About the Approach on "Unknown Crises"

Research IFV: How Security Regions Identify and Prepare for Cyber Risks

Join the Odyssey Hackathon 2020!

Students Come up With Solutions for Issues of Ministry of Justice and Security

WRR report emphasizes importance of preparation for digital disruption

Smart Secure Resilient Cities

Outcome Innovation Partnership on the Prevention of Wildfires