Outcome Innovation Partnership on the Prevention of Wildfires

01 apr 2019
Auteur: HSD Foundation

In 2017, the Ministry of Justice and Security started exploring the possibility to address its security challenges with satellite technology within the innovation programme ‘Satellite Applications for the Ministry of Justice and Security’. The goal was to procure innovative products and services based on satellite technology which will support end users with their responsibilities and tasks, including the prevention of wildfires. 


After an intensive cooperation of the Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid (IFV) and the Netherlands Fire Service together with the Ministry of Justice and Security, HSD Office and the Netherlands Space Office, an innovation partnership for this task has been successfully concluded. A solution that was developed within the innovation partnership –a competition style procurement method– will now be contracted by the IFV. This means that the solution for the prevention of wildfires will be scaled up and used in the years to come. 


Innovative Procurement

This is one of the first times within the Dutch government the innovation partnership method was used to procure a service or product. The goal of the Satellite Applications for the Ministry of Justice and Security has been twofold: to gain insight into the implementation of new technology within the Ministry of Justice and Security as well as to gain insight into innovation related procurement processes. HSD Office has been the programme partner, has supported setting up the programme and has facilitated the involvement of knowledge institutes and businesses in the process. 


VanderSat will receive funding

The winning solutions has been developed by VanderSat. They will receive funding to develop their prototype into a user application. The solution is based on measuring humidity levels of vegetation. With their solution they can provide a prognosis on the risk of wildfires for a 48-hour period. 


Read the interview with Wilco Bavelaar, senior adviseur Europees aanbesteden IUC JenV (in Dutch)

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