Registration Open: International Cyber Security Summer School 2017

15 juni 2017
Auteur: HSD Foundation

After two very successful previous editions, from 20 – 25 August the third edition of the International Cyber Security Summer School (ICSS17) will again take place in The Hague, the City for Peace, Justice and Security. HSD in collaboration with partners NATO Communications & Information Agency (NCI Agency), EUROPOL, The Netherlands Ministry of Defence Cyber Command (NL DCC), Leiden University and Dutch Innovation Factory (DIF) have put together a 6 day programme for master students, PhD candidates and (recent) graduates who are enthusiast about the subject of Cyber Security. Registration for the Summer School is officially open now!



The organising parties have put together an exciting and challenging programme that includes visits to the NCI Agency, Europol, NL DCC, Leiden University and DIF. Lectures and assignment are provided by the organising parties and complemented by KPMG, De Volksbank, PostNL, Certified Secure, Thales and Palo Alto. Making the ICSSS a unique opportunity for ambitious students and (recent) graduates to expand their network and increase their knowledge.


Interested in participating in this year’s Summer School? Application is open until 30 June, There are only 60 places available. Register here:


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