Meeting Place for Cybersecurity Talent: ONE Conference Talent Hub

31 aug 2023
Auteur: HSD Foundation

During the ONE Conference (3 & 4 October) a Talent Hub will be organised as a meeting point for talent in the field of cybersecurity. Participants looking for job opportunities or ways to further develop their skills will want to pay a visit to get in touch. In the ONE Talent Hub three pillars will be central: Policy, Development and Labour Market. For each pillar, relevant parties will be present in the hub to talk more about opportunities to develop in cybersecurity, how the labour market works and what government bodies are doing with policy at the moment.


Meet & greets will be organised with CISOs and other experts in the field from a wide variety of organisations, such as the National Police, Connect2Trust, DIVD and several ministries. Security Delta (HSD) together with Centre for Security and Digitalisation (CVD) will be represented on 3 October where we  can tell you all about the Human Capital Agenda Security that we launched recently, and how to advance your career in security. All these experts will be sharing their unique vision on work in the cybersecurity field, such as when making the switch from private to public, the role of CISOs within the government, or post-quantum crypto.


Visitors will also have the chance to get career advice from recruiters. During the event a whiteboard will be setup with a 'supply' and 'demand' side in terms of jobs and career opportunities. Whether you are looking for advice within your currrent career path or a whole new career, the ONE Conference has you covered this year!


For more information and the full programme, visit the ONE Conference website.


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