Visit Criminal Justice Chain to The Hague Security Delta

01 juni 2017
Auteur: HSD Foundation

On June 1 2017, the top people of the Dutch Criminal Justice Chain visited the Hague Security Delta for one of their so-called "Blowin’ in the Wind" sessions. By organising these sessions the Dutch Criminal Justice Chain aims to get a better understanding of innovative developments in the ‘market’. This raises their awareness of fast-going innovations in the outside world and the impact on the criminal justice chain, ranging from criminal investigation to conviction.


A large delegation, consisting of the following representatives, took part in this meeting:

  • Mr Akerboom, National Police Commissioner
  • Mr van der Burg, Chairman of the College of Attorneys General
  • Mr Sterk, Vice-President Council of the Judiciary
  • Mrs Vegter, Director-General for Justice and Law Enforcement
  • Mr Bac, Director of Criminal Justice
  • Mrs Janmaat, Coordinating Adviser / Secretary of the Criminal Justice Council
  • Mr Saris, Acting Director-General Police
  • Mr Herstel, Act. Director General for Sanctions and Protection
  • Mr Boekelo, High Tech Crime Team National Police
  • Mr Polak, High Tech Crime Team National Police
  • Mr Egberts, National Prosecutor of Cybercrime

A delegation of the HSD Board and management welcomed them at the HSD Campus and explained HSD’s role in security innovation. Also, all participants shared their ideas on how the criminal justice chain could better respond to developments in (cyber) security.


During the discussion, they discussed how to optimally utilise HSD for innovations for the benefit of the criminal justice chain. But more practical issues were discussed, such as the legal liability surrounding robots and the physical location of computers, the limits and opportunities of 'insider risk' and the government’s role on the Internet.


During the round trip on the HSD Campus, several business cases were discussed, with a special focus on the legal aspects that organisations face in practice. Signpost Six, the Cyber ​​Security Academy, Tracks Inspector and Terre des Hommes presented their business cases, for example the Watch / Sweetie 2.0 project.



Signpost Six 2




Tracks Inspector


Terre des Hommes

Betrokken HSD partners