Presentation Report Big Data Applications for Security

16 mrt 2017
Auteur: HSD Foundation

During the HSD Café on Big Data, the report Enabling Big Data Applications for Security was presented. There are all kinds of new applications in development today that make increasingly smarter use of Big Data. Take for example the recent announcements that judicial decisions can be predicted by computers. In the security domain there are numerous possibilities to use these technologies too. At the same time the security domain bears the risk of exclusion and inducing mistrust among the civilian population regarding the limitless use of personal data. This report outlines how to develop technologies responsibly for this challenging domain.


Big Data is the next great opportunity for security organisations and individuals alike. The idea is to feed a computer with large amounts of data in order to perform faster and more accurate analyses and create a real time, situational understanding of security situations. At this point however, the technological developments remain in a state of flux.

The authors of the report, Professor dr. Jaap van den Herik of Leiden University; Professor dr. ir. Cees de Laat of the University of Amsterdam, and Michel Rademaker, Deputy Director The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS), presented their research. After this, all participants of the HSD Café shared their ideas on the presented pitches of application domains, such as Event Security and Subversive crime.


In Link Magazine an article (in Dutch) was published about how Big Data can be used for application in industrial automation. Big data and advanced analysis are important weapons in this competitive field and provide significant input for research, marketing, product and manufacturing process improvement, and the prevention of malfunctions. But also in this field ethical issues, privacy and reciprocity (monitoring of employee behaviour vs. safety) play an important role. Responsible application of big data remains a must.

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