Dutch Cabinet Launches Mission Driven Top Sectors and Innovation Policy 

01 mei 2019
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The cabinet decided on the further implementation of the so-called 'mission driven Top sectors- and innovation policy' on 26 April 2019. Eight ministries (Economic Affairs & Climate, Defence, IandW, Justice & Security, SZW, OCW and VWS) have - along with entrepreneurs and knowledge institutions from the nine Topsectors - established 25 missions to reinforce the Dutch economy within the social themes energy transition & sustainability; agriculture, water & food; health & care and security.


State secretary Mona Keijzer (Economic Affairs and Climate): “We are standing in front of comprehensive social challenges. How does our health care remain affordable and accessible and how do we handle questions about climate, agriculture, health care and security? These challenges also have to lead to economic opportunities. By establishing 25 missions within these themes together, we allow our entrepreneurs from SMEs to large enterprises and knowledge institutions to brainstorm directly and they can work on the solutions afterwards.


Key technologies crucial for utilising economic opportunities

The challenges and missions are fixed for the upcoming years because of this decision, but the road towards it often is not. However, it is clear that key technologies such as photonics, quantum-, nano-, and digital technologies play an important part in the realisation of multiple missions.


Top sectors to take the next step

Top sectors, along with ministries and knowledge institutions, are setting up the knowledge- and innovation agendas based upon the missions and key technologies. The cabinet announces how the available financial means will be utilised in a later stadium. Pre-condition for funding will be the collaboration between knowledge institutions and businesses.


The security missions are: 

1. Mission: Integrated approach to organised crime

2. Mission: Maritime high-tech for a safe sea

3. Mission: Security in and from space

4. Mission: Cybersecurity

5. Mission: Networked action on land and from the air

6. Mission: Innovate faster together for an adaptive armed forces

7. Mission: Data and intelligence

8. Mission: The security professional


Involvement HSD

HSD Office is one of the many stakeholders involved with the creation of the new mission driven policy. In addition HSD Office is already responding to the new policy with programmes such as Satellite Observation for Innovative Safety Applications and Open Source Data Diode.


Read the mission driven Top sectors- and innovation policy (Security missions on page 58)

Read the letter to Parliament

Watch the video about the missions (Dutch with English subtitles).

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