Masterclass Cyber Security at the HSD Campus

28 jan 2016
Auteur: HSD Foundation

HSD hosted the first day of the masterclass Cyber Security, organised by HSD partners We Share Talent and Cyber Security Academy. The remaining two days of the three-day masterclass will be hosted by Rabobank and Drechtsteden.

The masterclass addresses the impact of cyber security challenges on organisations and aims to offer professionals tools to enhance security awareness within their organisations. Participants are young professionals working for businesses in the security domain. The Cyber Security Academy provided the first day participants with an overview of recent trends, threats and challenges in this domain. Furthermore, it provided the participants with more insight in mechanisms and tools to enhance security awareness and finally the participants worked in teams on their own cases.

According to an earlier report published by SANS Europe in April 2015, organisations need the right people and skills to enable security awareness to reduce human error, leading to today’s security breaches. The report emphasises the importance of strong and diverse cyber security talent and training programmes in cyber security. HSD is actively involved in such initiatives, of which the masterclass in Cyber Security for young security professionals is a good example. 

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