IT Talent College Moves to The Hague

21 apr 2016
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The municipality of the Hague recently adopted the educational initiative of HSD premium partner IT Talent College. The first lecture will be held on May 18 and will be on the topic of Cloud Computing.  Deputy Mayor of The Hague Ingrid van Engelshoven signed a cooperation agreement with IT Talent College and became honorary member. "Talent is extremely important to The Hague, it creates ongoing dynamics" says van Engelshoven.


Since 2014 IT Talent College offers a platform for knowledge sharing, complementary to existing IT education. Various experts deliver inspiring and educational lectures to students and young professionals. These lectures are recorded and posted online, thus enabling IT talent all over the world to share the knowledge of e.g. Spotify’s Data Architect or Bungle’s Lead Concept Artist.


Cyber Security Lectures

As part of the Human Capital Agenda HSD and IT Talent College will cooperate in organising lectures on cyber security for students. The first lecture on cyber security will take place in November 2016. HSD partners are invited to join the initiative and share their knowledge on the latest developments in the field of security to students. This is also an opportunity for HSD partners to get access to talented students and gain insight into their educational programmes.

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