Indian Companies E2Labs and KrypC Opened New Office in The Hague

29 sept 2017
Auteur: HSD Foundation

During the Cyber Security Week, Indian companies E2Labs and KrypC opened a new European office in The Hague. E2 Labs’ new European office will act as its global headquarter and is positioned to leverage the powerful strategic advantages of being present in the Dutch security cluster HSD. Also, KrypC provider of blockchain-based platforms selected The Hague for their European expansion.

E2labs offers ethical hacking training, cyber security training, career oriented programs, licensed ethical hacking and advanced diploma in computer hardware & networking. In India, E2Labs is partnering with the Government of India to help meet the talent shortfall of 2 million skilled cyber security professionals.
As an information security training specialist with the distinction of establishing Asia’s 1st Anti Hacking Lab+Academy at Hyderabad, E2Labs is helping bridge the talent gap as it trains scores of candidates to deliver a perennial pipeline of qualified talent for the global information security industry.

E2Labs received distinctive awards for its services. They’re one of the Top 20 Most Promising Cyber Security Companies of India, are positioned in the Top 100 Companies of Asia (Red Herring, US) and are Highly Appreciated by W.I.P.O (United Nations). Sharing the collective mission of HSD, E2Labs seeks to partner pro-actively with knowledge institutions, governments, businesses, the ‘triple helix’, to help enable more jobs and create a safer and more secure world.

“In its search for a suitable location for their European Headquarters, E2Labs was well supported by InnovationQuarter (IQ) in co-operation with The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA), HSD and the City of The Hague,” says Chris van Voorden, Director Foreign Investments at IQ. “We are pleased with the choice of E2Labs for The Hague, and are proud to see that they recognise. The Hague’s rich cyber security community and the strong innovation culture in The Netherlands.”

KrypC’s Enterprise-ready blockchain-based platforms
While being a software technology business ‘by design’, KrypC Technologies’ blockchain-based platforms help public institutions and enterprises across every industry to accelerate their blockchain journey. KrypC works with big enterprises to literally bring the advanced capabilities of blockchain within reach of decision makers, and helps them discover the power and value of blockchain-based applications for business. KrypC also attracts attention from other fast-growing technology and software ventures, which see that KrypC’s platforms and solutions help them get ‘blockchain-ready’ much faster.

Strong ties with India
Netherlands and India share strong bilateral ties. Netherlands is India’s 5th largest investment partner and 3rd largest source of foreign direct investments (FDI) globally. Importantly, both countries espouse the same values with respect to laws and security. To strengthen this bilateral relationship, The Hague and the state of Karnataka have signed a MoU, which actively focuses on startups, cyber security and elderly care technology. The Municipality of The Hague regularly visits Bangalore (the state of Karnataka) to implement the MoU and creates awareness for The Hague as an international city that welcomes Indian entrepreneurs and businesses. Due to the intense focus of the Municipality of The Hague and its acquisition partners, the establishment of E2Labs and KrypC Technologies in The Hague can be considered a result of this co-operation.

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