HSD Mentioned in Coalition Agreement City of The Hague
On 29 May 2018, the political parties Hart voor Den Haag/Groep de Mos, VVD, D66 and GroenLinks presented their coalition agreement: The Hague, City of Opportunities and Ambitions.
In the agreement, room for innovation and clusters with growth potential are mentioned: "Peace & Justice is a strong pillar of the economy of the city of The Hague. Our aim is to strengthen the economic structure of the clusters Peace and Justice and Security, but also Finance and Legal, IT / TECH and Energy. Promising developments are also found in the cross overs between these clusters, such as Big Data applications on issues relating to Peace and Justice. These clusters tie in with the city's DNA and make use of the power and presence of the 'triple helix': education and knowledge institutions, businesses and governments in the city and region. In the coming period, we want to define the roles of the municipality more clearly, and want to link investments more clearly to achievable measurable results and objectives."
They specifically mentioned HSD as an important vehicle for the city’s economic development: "The Security Cluster, in particular cyber security, is important to us. The Hague Security Delta foundation is an important vehicle. In the coming period, we set up a long-term agreement with The Hague Security Delta and its partners. In this multi-annual agreement, the current relation between HSD and The Hague wil be reviewed and professionalised: we make agreements about the governance, financing, activities, achievements and objectives concerning communications & accountability."
Chapter 3 is all about the safety & security of the city. In this chapter is also mentioned the importance of a knowledge cluster: "The Hague, international city of Peace, Justice and Security, has a special position with regards to the security themes. The knowledge cluster in The Hague -where peace, justice and security experts of knowledge instutitions, businesses and governments come together- offers opportunities to counteract forms of disruption as effectively as possible. In addition, new preventative solutions can be developed by this cluster. We will facilitate this where necessary. In addition, we stimulate the increase in knowledge at SMEs, so that they can resist the dangers of cyber crime."
The HSD Campus is located next to the train station 'Laan van NOI', an area that will get extra attention of the city of The Hague and Voorburg. "Laan van NOI station must develop into a high quality city entrance for both The Hague and Voorburg. We are also creating a new framework for the former Ministry of SZW."
The coming 4 years, deputy mayor Saskia Bruines will again be responsible for Knowledge Economy, International Affairs and Youth and Education. In that capacity she will also be responsible for the development of HSD.