Engaging as ‘Launching Customer': An Innovation Procurement Framework for JenV
The Ministry of Justice and Security has the ambition to stimulate the development and implementation of innovative solutions that help the organisation perform smarter, faster and/or better to benefit society. The targeted innovations are therefore related to the operational needs and societal challenges that JenV is facing. To achieve this ambition, JenV has launched several initiatives such as the ‘Start-up in Residence’ programme and has explored innovation procurement instruments such as Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR). Despite offering valuable knowledge and expertise, these approaches do not fully achieve the ambition of JenV, as they focus on the development rather than the deployment and scaling up of the innovative solutions by JenV.
In order to improve its approach to innovation support through procurement, JenV has commissioned Corvers between March – June 2020 to define the concept of ‘launching customer’, and to elaborate the framework of procurement measures needed to fulfil the role of ‘launching customer’.
Download the report here and get insight in the findings.