VNG Supports and Recommends Language Model GPT-NL to Municipalities
The Association of Netherlands Muncipalities (VNG) has expressed its support for the development of the articifical intelligence (AI) application GPT-NL. This open Dutch language model is a collaboration of non-profit organisations TNO, NFI and Surf. According to VNG, it is an opportunity for municipalities that want to use a language model that complies with Dutch and European values and legislation.
VNG sees the development of this Dutch language model as an essential project to reduce digital dependence on large foreign organisations and to safeguard European public values. Currently, language models are largely developed by commercial companies outside Europe, leaving public organisations without a grip on the transparency, reliability and bias of the models. With its own, open language model, the Netherlands can retain more control over the deployment of AI within the government and social domain.
For municipalities, GPT-NL offers important opportunities. Individual municipalities often do not have the tools or expertise to develop such a language model themselves, but they do need a reliable and secure AI solution that fits within the public sector, according to VNG.
VNG is also contributing to the development of the language model by making 'Open Council Information' available as a data source. In the current development phase, GPT-NL is looking for data contributors to further develop the model. To achieve a diverse and strong language model, a rich and large dataset is needed. Funding comes from RVO/Ministry of Economic Affairs. The project plan ‘Facility for a sovereign Dutch language model’ received funding of 13.5 million euros for this purpose in October 2023.
'Open Council Information' is an open source search environment that brings together the meeting data of over 300 municipalities, 7 provinces and 5 water councils. This application lets you search through public meetings, agenda items, motions and documents. As part of the Open Government Action Plan, VNG Realisatie works together with the Open State Foundation to open up municipal and provincial decision-making as open data.
VNG also participates in the content board of GPT-NL that monitors the quality and representativeness of the data used. Moreover, the association participates in the user group that is yet to be set up to look at the application and usability of the model for municipalities and other public organisations.
More info?
Read the interview with Erwin van Eijk (NFI), Saskia Lensink (TNO), Joris den Bruinen (HSD/NL AIC) about the open language model: GPT-NL here.
Source (in Dutch): Computable and VNG
Photo credits: iStock/Thx4Stock