DTC Subsidy for Cyber Resilience Centre Manufacturing Industry South Holland

08 dec 2023
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The Digital Trust Centre (DTC) and RVO, part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, announced that they will grant subsidy to set up a Cyber Resilience Centre for the manufacturing industry in South Holland. This centre will become the leading centre of expertise and information hub for cybersecurity within the entire supply chain of the manufacturing sector in South Holland.

The Cyber Resilience Centre Manufacturing South Holland is an initiative of Hi Delta and Security Delta (HSD) together with Koninklijke Metaalunie, FME, InnovationQuarter, Batenburg Techniek, Boers & Co, Hittech and Lely. These organisations have formed a 'coalition of the doing' behind the cyber resilience centre. This coalition will collaborate closely with CW Brainport, FERM, CW Greenport, CVD, The Hague University of Applied Sciences (Programme Cyber Resilience the Netherlands), and Cyber Netwerk Drechtsteden.

Cybersecurity & Manufactory Industry in South Holland
The manufacturing industry is, more than other sectors, under pressure when it comes to cybersecurity. Reason is that a big part of the industry uses two networks: not only their IT, but also their OT (Operational Technology) environment. The Cyber Resilience Center Manufacturing Industry South Holland wants to provide companies with practical tools to enhance their cybersecurity. And will tackle the challenges of the sector by setting up a special programme for OT, in addition to the attention to IT.

South Holland is a logical location for this center, because South Holland is the province with the most manufacturing companies in the Netherlands. These more than 6,000 companies are almost exclusively SMEs that have limited opportunity to pay attention to cyber resilience.


Martin van Gogh, director Hi Delta: "Organisations within the manufacturing sector play a crucial role in the execution of all major transitions, such as energy, circular, digitalisation and robotisation. A successful cyber attack on one company can bring an entire value chain to a standstill: the impact is enormous. That is why we need to work collectively on cyber resilience, and it is great that Security Delta (HSD) offers its expertise from other sectors.”


Due to this joint approach, this initiative connects strongly to the goals of the DTC Cyber Resilience subsidy scheme, which encourage groups of companies in non-critical sectors to work together to raise their cyber resilience levels. 

What is the cyber resilience centre going to do?
The most important task of the Cyber Resilience Centre Manufacturing South Holland will initially be to provide relevant and clear information, so that companies can take measures to better prepare themselves against cyber incidents.


Anne Visser, programme manager Cyber Resilience of Security Delta (HSD): ”Through the cyber resilience centre, we will provide actionable advice at different maturity levels for entrepreneurs in the supply chain. We will also encourage companies to actively share best-practices on how they deal with cyber threats so that they can learn from and with each other. A good basis of trust is of great importance for this. In addition, we are investigating how we can best share threat intel with companies within the supply chain. And we will facilitate the necessary platform to do so.”


The Cyber Resilience Centre Manufacturing Industry South Holland will be:

  • Providing current, relevant, and clear (threat) information at strategic, tactical and operational level. 
  • Working on raising awareness about digital security among entrepreneurs, CEOs, managers and employees. 
  • Setting up a digital counter for help and advice.
  • Establishing a threat intel sharing platform.
  • Facilitating expert meetings for knowledge sharing and networking.
  • Facilitating joint procurement of cybersecurity services (such as support for security monitoring via shared service procurement for example).


More information?

Do you want to know more about this initiative? Please contact Pieter Schneider via Pieter.Schneider@securitydelta.nl or Anne Visser via Anne.Visser@securitydelta.nl.

Click here for more info about the subsidy.

Click here for more information about the 6 projects, selected by the independent advice committee.


This centre is a follow-up of the Cyber Resilience Centre Greenport, which is supported by DTC, MRDH, Province of South Holland and Municipality of The Hague.

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