Cyber Crime Unit of The Hague Police Force Inform Students about Cybercrime

28 okt 2020
Auteur: HSD Foundation

This week, the Cyber Crime Unit of The Hague Police Force gave an online training about cybercrime for students of the Hague Univerisity of Applied Sciences (HHS). The training is part of the project 'digital ambassadors', aiming to increase the cyber recilience of citizens and businesses. The Centre of Expertise Cyber Security of the HHS involves students 'Safety & Security' and the lectorship Cybersecurity of SMEs to this programme. An example of how research, education and practice comes together.


This training addressed the following topics: 

- What is cybercrime 

- Nature and extent of the problem

- Case studies

- Common forms of damage

- Possible action framework for citizens / entrepreneurs


This project was initiated because more people are becoming victims of cybercrime. For example of hacking, phishing and Whatsapp fraud. Therefore, the municipality of the Hague and the police force unit of the Hague want to inform the citizens and entrepreneurs how they can protect themselvfes against cybercrime. 


Do you also want to become a digital ambassador? More info

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